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接种轮状病毒疫苗。rotavirus vaccination.

种痘有反应了吗?。Did the vaccination take?

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我上周打的防疫针。I have a vaccination last week.

种了一次牛痘,起预防作用。Vaccination has a preventive effect.

这里还有我的种痘证书。And here is my vaccination certificate.

种牛痘防天花是有效的。Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious.

种牛痘疫苗可以控制住天花。Smallpox can be contained by vaccination.

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可能是自体接种而发病。May be autologous vaccination and disease.

谁将是接种疫苗的优先重点?Who will receive priority for vaccination?

接种牛痘能使人免患天花。Vaccination immunizes one against smallpox.

你的检疫证仍然有效。Your vaccination certificate is still valid.

全球枕戈待旦最好的方法,就是打疫苗预防针。One of the best ways to do so is vaccination.

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自从她第一次接种以来,牛痘不断没有发过。She hasn't taken since her first vaccination.

种牛痘防天花是有效的。Vaccination is a preventive against smallpox.

病人没有黄热病疫苗接种史。He had no history of yellow fever vaccination.

种牛痘可以免患天花。Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox.

种痘能使人免患天花。Vaccination immunizes people against smallpox.

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他们已经种痘,对天花有免疫力。They are immune from smallpox due to vaccination.

我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

给你,这里还有我的种痘证书。Here it is. And here is my vaccination certificate.