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可配专用偏转线圈。It can equip with deflection coil.

防止护舷系统剪切变形。Prevent fender system from shear deflection.

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如果没有力量增加拉伸变形。No deflection if the tensioning force is increased.

扎实的轴心可减少偏斜。Shaft drives are heavy duty to minimize deflection.

尝试是非常重要的,你可能会射门受到偏转。The main thing is to try. You might get a deflection.

该管附有偏转线圈、磁屏蔽罩等。This tube includes deflection coil and magnetic alloy.

由于最小偏转广场铁路的支持系统。Minimal deflection due to the square rail support system.

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僵化的舷外支持系统的否定主轴偏转。A rigid outboard support system negates spindle deflection.

描述了一种新的消色差等时性磁偏转系统。A new achromatic isochronous deflection system is described.

图72-20偏斜排龈线与印模排龈线一起置位样。Figure72-20 Deflection cord and impression cord are in place.

锋利的刀就会以最快的速度克服皮肤对刀的分散力。A sharp-pointed knife overcomes the initial deflection faster.

上模夹具配有挠度补偿装置。Upper punch clamping fitted with deflection compensation device.

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转动的泵轴会弯曲变形,产生最大挠度。Rotational deformation of the shaft will produce maximum deflection.

并且有一小部分的偏转,是由于正电荷排斥正电荷。And so, there is a little bit of deflection because plus repels plus.

并且有一小部分的偏转,是由于正电荷排斥正电荷。And so, there is a little bit of deflection because plus repels plus.

这些弹簧提供了与偏差成正比的恢复力。These springs supply a reacting force proportional to the deflection.

弹性运动性是对因外力的施加产生挠曲运动的研究。Compliances is the deflection resulting from the application of force.

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悬臂梁安装时的偏差方程式是什么?What is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge?

面板计算包括应力和挠度的计算。The design of plate-glass should include its stress and deflection design.

量程通常以指针的全分度偏转为限。The range is usually limited to the full-scale deflection of the indicator.