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他们在一九七六年攀登埃佛勒斯峰。They ascended Mt. Everest in 1976.

他说,珠穆朗玛峰本身正在变化。Everest itself is changing, he says.

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珠峰上的每一步都很关键。Every step is critical on Mount Everest.

我们身后这个小山头就是珠穆朗玛峰。The small hilltop at the back is Everest.

最高的山是珠穆拉玛峰。The highest mountain is the Mount Everest.

圣母峰雪人的弃婴,化粪池堵塞的凶手。Everest Snowman foundling, blocked septic tanks.

在60多岁时,他才开始尝试攀登珠峰。He only started on Everest when aged in his 60s.

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一小队人在计画攀登圣母峰。A small party was planning to ascend Mt. Everest.

Goran准备独自从瑞典出发到圣母峰。Goran is going alone from Sweden to Mount Everest.

他们组织了珠穆朗玛峰登山队。They organized a climbing expedition to Mt. Everest.

第一宗攀登额菲尔士峰壮举发生于1953年。The first assent of Mount Everest took place in 1953.

照片摄于正在去珠峰大本营的路上。This photo was taken on the way to Everest Base Camp.

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伽利去年就试过要征服圣母峰,不过没有成功。Tsheri tried to conquer Everest last year but failed.

珠穆朗玛峰8848米的高度让人觉得头晕目眩。Mount Everest reaches the dizzy height of 8848 meters.

曾经开放珠穆朗玛峰的人知道我们在谈论什么。Those bound for Mount Everest will know what we talk about.

当我爬埃费勒斯峰时,吓得胆颤心惊。I was terrified out of my mind when I climbed Mount Everest.

这个挑战比攀登圣母峰更加困难。That's going to be a harder challenge than climbing Everest.

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您是否支持奥运圣火登珠峰?Are you a supporter of the Olympic Torch going to Mt. Everest?

马洛里曾梦想成为第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的人。Mallory dreamed of being the first man to climb Mount Everest.

这条公路位于尼泊尔境内,由加德满都通往珠峰大本营。A road in Nepal, leading from From Katmandu to Everest Base Camp