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他的牛仔裤紧绷绷的。His jeans fit snugly.

这个榫头对不上。This tenon won't fit.

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看着合适你就用吧。Use it as you see fit.

你的衣服很合身。Your clothes fit well.

这盖子能装上去吗?Can you fit the lid on?

让他们安排进日程?How do we fit those in?

海涛聚集后就是海啸了。Tsunami is fit for you!

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保持身材非常重要!Keeping fit is important.

而大豆的作用在哪里呢?So where does soy fit in?

我的衣服也合身多了。My clothes fit better too.

这上衣并不适合我穿。This coat does not fit me.

这双鞋不太适合。These shoes dont fit right.

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生气,不悦一阵愠怒。A fit of petulant sulkiness.

安装节气门体盖。Fit cover for throttle body.

我想,这适合清扫工穿着。Fit for a duster, I thought.

适用直角型加工件之倒角。Fit for vertical work piece.

我练瑜珈来保持健康。I practice yoga to keep fit.

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这双鞋子穿着非常合脚。The shoes are a perfect fit.

你可以放小一英寸,就会处处皆合身了。Then it'll fit like a glove.

这单鞋不太适合。These shoes don't fit right.