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第30周时,古德里奇太太进行了人工剖腹产。At 30 weeks, Mrs. Goodrich had an emergency caesarean.

我是在38周还没有出现症状的时候去做的剖腹产。I was not yet 38 weeks, when symptoms do Caesarean section.

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你想建立自己的日不落帝国吗?Doesn't the day that you think to build your fall Caesarean?

39岁的纪子妃在医院接受剖腹产手术后,成功生下了这个男婴。The birth came minutes after Kiko, 39, underwent a Caesarean section.

男人可以怀胎,并以剖腹生产的方式,把婴儿生下来。A man could carry an embryo and have it delivered by caesarean section.

母亲剖腹生弟弟时,我同老外婆和外公待在一起。I was with Mammaw and Papaw when Mother delivered by caesarean section.

目的探讨周氏剖宫产术的临床应用价值。Objective To investigate the clinical value of Zhou's Caesarean section.

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杉木毫无怨言,欲剖腹以死谢罪。Chinese fir without complaint, to die to malaysians to caesarean section.

维多利亚在美国洛杉矶的赛达斯-西奈医院剖腹产女。The birth took place by Caesarean at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles.

目的观察新式剖宫产术的方法及临床效果。To observe the methods and clinical effects of new-style caesarean section.

目的探讨剖宫产同时行子宫肌瘤切除术的安全性及可行性。Objective To investigate the security and feasibility of caesarean myomectomy.

我也是剖腹产生的孩子,我是在百天后才下的冷水。I am also a Caesarean baby born, I was only after 100 days under the cold water.

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剖腹产之后,面对一个生龙活虎的婴儿,她百思不得其解。A quick caesarean section later, and she was the baffled mother of a bouncing baby boy.

莫迪补充说剖腹产手术也可能会影响激素与酶的自然平衡。Modi added that caesarean could also affect the natural balance of hormones and enzymes.

萨利从楼梯上跌下,她被送往医院,通过剖腹产生了个孩子。Sally fell down from the stairs. She was sent to the hospital and had a Caesarean birth.

目的降低剖宫产率,保护、促进和支持自然分娩。Objective To reduce caesarean section rate, protect, promote and support natural delivery.

这让医生们很担心,最后他们拿出了最佳方案——给蒂娅实施剖腹产。Worried doctors decided their best option would be to deliver the tot by Caesarean section.

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产前出血对急诊剖宫产率、新生儿体质量有一定影响。Antepartum haemorrhage affects the incidence of emergency caesarean section and birthweight.

8月8日,两届奥运射击冠军杜丽在济南剖腹产子。Du Li, 2-time Olympic shooting gold medalist, gave caesarean birth to a son Sunday in Jinan.

我有卵巢囊肿,听说可以在生孩子时选择剖腹产,到时一起做了。I have ovarian cysts, I heard that children can choose caesarean section, when done together.