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俄顷雨止。Presently the rain let up.

俄而日出。Presently the sun emerged.

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她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。She's presently working on her PhD.

她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。She's presently working on her PhD.

你不久就会知道这事的虚实。You will know all about it presently.

你不久就会知道这事的虚实。You will know all about it presently.

那无花果树就立刻枯干了。And presently the fig tree withered away.

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他随即听到了脚步声。Presently he heard the sound of footsteps.

但现今只有两个这样的码头。There are only two such jetties presently.

一会儿,她就托故告辞回家了。Presently she excused herself and went home.

现供职于威海职业学院。Presently serves in Weihai Vocational College.

目前它没有任何SCORM的报告。Presently it does not have any SCORM reporting.

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很快地里就长满了杂草。Presently the fields have been overrun by weeds.

目前未发现成虫有潜叶习性。Presently no adult insects have the mining habit.

再强的球队亦非尽善尽美的!Presently the strong team also can have weakness!

不久我们听到一阵喧噪声,和脚步声。Presently we heard a bustle, and a tread of feet.

目前正在对这些患者进行检测。Testing of these patients is presently under way.

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目前石油价格略有上涨。The oil prices drifted slightly higher presently.

他们争论起来。不久就动起手来了。They began to argue, and presently came to blows.

很快一位面孔严肃的殡仪师就来到了现场。Presently on the scene appears a solemn mortician.