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一团一团均匀地挤在上面。I just sorta dollop it evenly on the top.

她在每个碗里放了一团冰淇淋。She put a dollop if ice-cream in each bowl.

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将酸奶和搅碎的香草或者薄荷混合,然后堆在水果上面。Mix a dash of vanilla and chopped mint into yogurt and dollop on fruit

在牛排上厚厚地涂上一层混合在一起的蘑菇和洋葱,再在上面放入第二块牛排。Dollop in your hot mushroom mixture and tuck your second steak over the top.

可用新鲜士多啤梨片、新鲜藍苺、或少量淡忌廉伴碟。Decorate with fresh strawberry sliced, or few blueberries, or dollop of whipped cream.

扇形块的加工方法随着机床的升级改进也在不断更新。With improvement of the machine tool, dollop manufacture method renews continuously too.

她所住的病房脏乱不堪,吃的食物更是“像团屎一样”。The wards where she was treated were dirty and shabby, and the food "like a dollop of shit".

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这就需要政府部门组织调控一项公平的社会化的服务。This requires a fair dollop of socialized provision, organized and controlled by the government.

扇形块的加工方法随着机床的升级改进也在不断更新。With improvement of the machine tool, fan-shaped dollop manufacture method renews continuously too.

顶部一簇覆盆子使这些酥饼口味的饼干为假日增添了喜庆。A dollop of raspberry preserves on top makes these shortbread-flavored treats festive for the holidays.

他为我做了一杯,那是一杯十分浓黑的意大利浓咖啡,在它的顶部是一大团泡沫。He made another one, and it was a jet black shot of espresso with more than just a dollop of foam on top.

尽管最近美林除去了其最坏的资产,但是市场仍然继续质疑其生存能力。Despite selling a big dollop of its most rotten assets recently, the market continued to question its viability.

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按照法律规定,如果他们愿意,完全可以把纯黄油称为“低脂肪”,只要把一小块定义为“一份”就好了。Legally, if they wanted to, they could call pure butter "low fat, " just by specifying a small dollop as a "serving."

这对一个时尚、发达的国家来说是另一种轰动,甚至对一个沉睡中的郊区来说也是这样,那里也又少数人在夜间活动。It's another dollop of sensation for a stylish, onrushing country, and even in a sleepy suburb, it has kept a few people up at night.

将西瓜或哈密瓜粒加入汤中、将冷汤均匀的分倒入四个冷汤碗中、将混合好的香草虾粒加入汤中混合、即可供食。Fold watermelon or cantaloupe into soup. Divide soup evenly among 4 chilled bowls and top each with dollop of shrimp mixture. Serve immediately.

在咖啡克里玛里倒入8克糖和15毫升君度酒,最后挤上一团鲜奶油和少量君度酒。Pour a café crema onto 8 g of sugar and 15 ml of Cointreau. Add the finishing touches with a dollop of fresh cream and a few dashes of Cointreau.

取适量在湿的头发上,用指腹按摩头发和头皮至充分起泡,让泡沫在头皮上停留2-3分钟,用水洗净。For first washing use a quarter-size dollop and gently massage onto wet scalp. Leave the lather on for 2-3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly in tepid water.

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不要以黄油或酸奶油的形式将饱和脂肪添入烤土豆,一小勺健康的纯酸奶可以用来湿润它们。Instead of adding saturated fat to baked potatoes in the form of the butter or sour cream, a healthy dollop of plain yogurt can be used to moisten them.

它是用甜菜、洋葱、少许糖和柠檬汁做成的一种甜汤,通常会在碗中间放一块酸奶油作装饰。It is a sweet soup made of beets, onion, a bit of sugar, and lemon juice. Cold borscht is often garnished with a dollop of sour cream at the center of the bowl.

这辣椒酱是与虾面不能分割的调味料,只要加添少许便能提升汤面的精华!Chili Paste is the ubiquitous condiment that goes with Prawn Mien and just about everything else. A little dollop will transform this soup noodle dish into a swan!