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桨常可起舵的作用。An oar often acts as rudder.

船桨常作舵来使用。An oar often acts as a rudder.

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冰冷的世界从桨上摇落。Cold worlds shake from the oar.

他是船员中最好的桨手。He is the best oar in the crew.

我们同在打扫脱粒桨。On we sweep with threshing oar.

他在获胜的赛艇上划桨。He pulled an oar in the winning shell.

浆鱼是实验对象。The oar fish is an experiment subject.

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那是从一把断桨上锯下来的把手。It was an oar handle from a broken oar.

桡尺骨骨折是几个手术????A few operations is oar ulna fracture? ? ? ?

划龙舟时每个人都拿著一枝桨。In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.

每个人在赛艇的某一边划桨。Each person has one oar which goes on one side.

一个朋友拿起桨把船拨进一条小沟。A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar.

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然后他拿起上面绑着刀子的桨。Then he took up the oar with the knife lashed to it.

巴奇钦跳到章鱼的背上,用船桨打死了它。Samphire was upon it instantly and beat it to death with the oar.

我们是要把这副重担子撂给我们那些通讯记者们去挑。I shall still let the labouring oar be pulled by my correspondents.

舵手必须组织和鼓励所有艇员同心协力进行比赛。The cox should organize and encourage all oar men to work together.

轻舟短棹任横斜,醒后不知何处。Little boat with short oar drifts, where he doesn't know after wake.

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船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了。The blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water.

我就是水中的船桨,而他是那坚定的手。He wordlessly guided me. I was an oar in the water and his the steady hand.

一只划桨飘在河面上,不知道是被谁给落下的。An oar is floating on the surface of the river. I am wondering who has left it.