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阿的蒸汽侧视图多方面的。A side view of the steam manifold.

问卷上的问题纷繁复杂。The questions were manifold and diverse.

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扬斯敦的问题已得到多方面的。Youngstown's problems have been manifold.

管汇系统安全受到严重威胁。Manifold system security is seriously threatened.

监视更为方便的好处多种多样。The benefits of easier surveillance are manifold.

甲12站一楼形是唯一十四点一一英寸宽。A 12 station L1 manifold is only 14.11 inches wide.

黎曼流形上的幂零结构指什么?What is nilpotent structure on Riemannian manifold?

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设M是紧致连通的黎曼流形。Let M be a compact and connected Riemannian manifold.

将液压控制管汇压力减小到5200千帕。Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200kpa.

锅炉蒸汽管道输入流和润滑剂。Boiler with steam pipe to input manifold and lubricator.

对“各种形式的放纵这种恶习”发表谴责。Denunciation of the "manifold abuses of this vile custome".

中国对这个多极世界的贡献是多方面的。China's contributions to the multi-polar world are manifold.

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您能给涡轮增压器垫片定制排气集管吗?。Can you make custom exhaust manifold to turbocharger gaskets?

清洁排气歧管和汽缸头配合面。Clean the exhaust manifold and cylinder head mating surfaces.

记录信息流具有多方面的重要性The importance of documenting the information flow is manifold

英国被排除出美澳新同盟的原因是多方面的。The reasons for the UK's expulsion from the ANZUS were manifold.

为对抗制的普遍现象的原因是多方面的。The reasons for the prence of the adversary system are manifold.

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桃园煤矿是一个受多种地下水害威胁的矿井。Taoyuan Coal Mine is the threatened mine by manifold groundwater.

我们在感觉着多面的自然客体和谐完整的映像。We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects.

对经济法体系的结构分析,可以有多种路径。There are manifold ways in analysing the configuration of economy law.