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我喜欢你的发型。I like your hairstyle.

尝试一个新发型。Try out a new hairstyle.

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湄洲女的发型很特殊。Meizhounu's hairstyle is very special.

俞灏明大妈的发型实在是让人受不了了!Aunt Yu's hairstyle is just killing me!

华腴发型翻动羽毛。Flamboyant hairstyle is ruffling feathers.

风把她的发型吹乱了些。The wind messed her hairstyle about a bit.

坦率地说,我不喜欢你的发式.To be candid, I don't like your hairstyle.

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来曼都发型室,选择属于自己的发型!To hairstyle room, choose their own style!

我长得矮矮胖胖的,留着滑稽的发型。I am short and fat. I have a funny hairstyle.

约翰无诚意地赞美海伦之新发型。John paid lip service to Helen's new hairstyle.

终于,二人到了仁川的一间发型屋。Eventually, 2 people arrived house of a hairstyle.

向云的发型穿什么都不适合?!Xiang Yun's hairstyle does not match with anything?!

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一头短发可以缩短你例行梳洗打理的时间。A simple hairstyle can shorten your grooming routine.

如果你是鸡蛋脸,你的发型就要是简单而俐落的。If your face is oval , keep your hairstyle simple and neat.

我打算到我的美容那里去做个不一样的发型。I plan to go to my beautician and get a different hairstyle.

你的发型会揭示你的个性和风格!Your hairstyle reveals a lot about your personality and style!

如果你的脸形是圆的」力就选个刚好切合你脸型大小的发型。If your face is round, choose a hairstyle that frames your face.

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保持专业素养,甚至包括着装和发型。Maintain your professionalism, down to your dress and hairstyle.

他们更在那里遇上了在发型屋工作的穆扬。They more the Mu Yang that works in hairstyle house was met over.

男士也注重他们的头发并搜寻关于发型的看法。Men like to care for their hair and search for hairstyle ideas too.