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它讲的是一个诗人的早逝。It's about the untimely death of a poet.

究竟李小龙的猝死,跟丁佩可有任何关系?Ding Pei's in relation to Bruce's untimely death.

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这则关于约翰过早死亡的报道是欺诈新闻。So the call about John’s untimely death was a fraud.

臼井的突然去世让全世界的粉丝们悲痛惋惜。Fans across the world are mourning Usui`s untimely death.

然而,这一纲领已被她自己不合时宜的死所深深动摇。It was a platform deeply shaken by her own untimely death.

我们对你丈夫的早逝表示深切哀悼。We express our deep regret at untimely death of your husband.

我们聚集在这里也是因为上百万人过早地死亡。We are also all here because of many millions of untimely deaths.

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我们大家聚集在这里是因为李钟郁博士的过早去世。We are all here because of the untimely death of Dr Jong-wook Lee.

我们大家聚集在这里是因为李钟郁博士的过早去世。We are all here because of the untimely death of Dr LEE Jong-wook.

这位摇滚巨星1977年过早的逝世为我们留下了无尽的疑问。The King’s untimely death in 1977 left a lot of unanswered questions.

工程师的过早去世推迟了工程的完工期。The untimely death of the engineer delayed the completion of the project.

时光荏苒,父亲过早离世带给我的悲伤和气愤开始逐渐减弱。As time moved on my grief and anger at his untimely death began to recede.

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过早或低质量的信息几乎保证业绩不佳。Untimely or low-quality information virtually guarantees poor performance.

在成年人中,这种异常的以及过早的生长通常会导致肿瘤的形成。In adults, this abnormal and untimely growth often leads to tumour formation.

它的所有含意是在尽可能的范围内预防不合时宜的死亡。That was all about preventing untimely deaths on the grandest scale possible.

电影里悲情的一刻是其中一个人物的早夭。A poignant moment in the movie is the untimely death of one of the characters.

每当我想到这里,我的心就不禁地为伟易过早的死亡,而痛了。When I think of that, my heart could not help from aching over WY's untimely death.

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在很老的年龄死去很少被叫做“不逢时”——长寿命被认为是完美的人生。Death in old age is rarely called untimely -a long life is thought to be a full one.

死于年迈很少被说成是死不逢时,因为能度过漫长的一生就被认为是相当的圆满。Death in old age is rarely called untimely — a long life is thought to be a full one.

今天,梦露仍然是人们心中的偶像,即使在她死不逢时的50年之后。Today, Monroe remains an enduring icon, even over 50 years after her untimely demise.