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她的服装贫适合那种场合。Her clothes befit the occasion.

这一场合要求穿礼服。His clothes befit the occasion.

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他的服装适合那种场合。His clothes befit the occasion.

葬礼是一个令人忧伤的场合。A funeral is a melancholy occasion.

那麽,印度能对城市化应付裕如吗?So, can India rise to the occasion?

我只在正式场合才打领带。I only wear ties on formal occasion.

请上发卷作适合正式场合的发型。Please set it for a formal occasion.

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那是一次非常出色的宴会。The party was a blue-ribbon occasion.

我在某个场合遇上了我的外子。I encountered my husband in an occasion.

我每次总不能中靶。On each occasion I just miss the target.

这些天我都没有机会见到他。I have no occasion to see him these days.

适用于车锁用钢览及要求柔软性的场合。Cable of chain lock and flexible occasion.

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郝建国十分看不惯张北雁这样!HaoJianGuo very ZhangBeiYan such occasion.

他在大庭广众中大出洋相。He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.

在那种场合,他看起来就象一个大傻瓜。On that occasion he looked a perfect fool.

你可以把音乐用在任何场合。Then you can use music for every occasion.

他在这种场合总是感到不安。He always feels awkard on such an occasion.

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他是节日盛上的贵宾。He is the special guest on a gala occasion.

希望以后在某些场合见到您。We hope to see you on some future occasion.

届时务请出席。Your presence is requested for the occasion.