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印度遇到的第2只拦路虎就是在这个难以驾驭的民主国家,大规模的基础设施改建及更新项目往往会引发许多问题与争端。Then there is the issue of upgrading the infrastructure on time in a fractious democracy.

当谈及这片被暴力和乖戾支配的土地时,似乎它的每件东西都有自己的价格。When it comes to governing this violent, fractious land, everything, it seems, has its price.

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在他的论述里,他似乎受到了浮夸的学生和倔强的学院同仁的影响。He seems, within his discourse, distracted by hectoring students and fractious fellow-faculty.

一群急躁的左翼党派往往不可信赖也不可能支撑起艰巨的改革事业。A fractious group of left-wing parties is not always reliable and unlikely to back tough reforms.

在苏联,由十五个共和国组成的联盟国变得日益狂躁和攻击性十足。Within the U.S.S.R., the 15 republics that made up the Union grew increasingly fractious and defiant.

两年曾前尝试流程化这一过程,但这并没有改变其难于驾驭的本质。An attempt two years ago to streamline the process has not altered its fundamentally fractious nature.

那些在争斗不断的中东腹地叙利亚等国鼓动改革的人将受到鼓舞。Those agitating for change in places such as Syria, in the heart of the fractious Middle East, will be emboldened.

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虽然很富有,或者也许正是因为太富有,阿涅利家族的人一直脾气很暴躁,难以相处。Regardless or perhaps because of its wealth, the Agnelli clan remained a fractious and complicated group of people.

在周六共和党和民主党恶语相向以后,协议浮出水面。The deal emerged late on Saturday after fractious public exchanges earlier in the day between Republicans and Democrats.

在法语和荷语人群剑拨驽张的比利时,他是少数能同时得到双方支持的人之一。He was one of the few Belgians able to gather support from the fractious French and Dutch language groups in the country.

聚会小组的60个固定成员和罗恩·保罗论坛的网友一样动辄易怒和坚持己见。The 60 regular members of the Meetup grouphad been just as fractious and strong-willed as the users of the Ron Paulforums.

而诺委会首次使难以调和的Twitter达成如此广泛的共识,他们真的做到了。The Nobel Committee has achieved something of a first by bringing the fractious Twitterverse into such widespread agreement.

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对于北京来说很不利的是,人民币价值是乖张的美国政界一致认为应该改变的少数问题之一。Ominously for Beijing, the value of the RMB may be one of the few things the fractious American political class seems to agree on.

但是,没有人期望迈赫迪军完全解散,也没有人知道萨达尔本人对其组织的控制力度有多大。No one expects the Mahdi Army to disband fully—and no one is sure how much control Mr Sadr has over his movement's fractious components.

毕竟,土耳其军方也曾驯服本国一度充斥混乱和暴力的政治舞台,但是现在的土耳其却比以往任何时候都更加自由了。After all, the Turkish officers tamed Turkey’s fractious and sometimes violent political arena, and the country is now freer than ever before.

埃及也连同南苏丹的半自治政府一起尝试了与狂暴的叛军们联盟以建立起一个互助的盟军阵营。Egypt along with the semiautonomous government of south sudan has tried to bring darfur's fractious rebels together to create a joint platform.

当你带着一家老小排队等待机场安检的时候,也许会感觉自己看起来绝对不像是个恐怖分子。Standing in a long queue at airport security with your fractious family, you might think it is pretty obvious you do not look like a terrorist.

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即便是最有见地的决策者也会被这些难题绊住,而且欧元区的政治领导又恰是一群性格乖张、影响力不足的人。These difficulties would tax the most enlightened policymakers. The euro zone’s political leaders, alas, are a fractious and underwhelming lot.

这些国家慢慢忽略了这个倔强的少数民族,让他们带着骆驼群和羊群在沙漠游荡。Those governments generally ignored their fractious Tuareg minorities, leaving them to wander the desert with their flocks of camels and goats.

因此巴基斯坦创建了一个隶属其麾下的伊斯兰原教旨主义的小派别游击队——塔利班。So Pakistan then created the Taliban as a new umbrella movement for the fractious factional guerrilla groups under an ultra-fundamentalist ideology.