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一个特别的早晨我们邂逅了一群青蛙。One astonishing morning, we had a visitation of frogs.

LJ和Lincoln在探访室的铁笼面对面坐着。LJ faces Lincoln through the cage in the visitation room.

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国家科学奖评判委员会的视察。The visitation of the council for national academic awards.

第一部分是探望权的性质与内容。The first part is about the nature and content of visitation right.

他要求享有同样的监护权,并且能够探视孩子。He requested joint custody and a visitation schedule with the children.

探望权的行使应符合子女的最佳利益。Parents should exercise visitation rights in the best interest of the child.

你将生命和慈爱赐给我,你也眷顾保全我的心灵。Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.

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医院说,他们只是会限制探视时间以及同一时间内进入病房的人数。Visitation limits apply only to hours and the number of people in a room, they say.

2001年婚姻法修正案首次将探望权制度确立在法律之中。The visitation rights were established in the amendments to the law of marriage in 2001.

Lincoln请求见他的弟弟,但狱警Stolte说他可以在行刑时见Michael。Lincoln asks to see his brother, and C.O. Stolte says he can see him in final visitation.

Lincoln现在穿着橙色的囚衣,颓丧地坐在拘留所探访区的防护玻璃后。Now wearing an orange jumpsuit, Lincoln slumps behind the glass in the prison visitation area.

这意味着,要接受顾客的探视权利,不仅仅使用800业务号码和标准网站。I mean establishing consumer visitation rights, far beyond an 800-number and a standard website.

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两者是卷入了一场艰难的监护权案,目前已全面和吉布森的探视权。The two are embroiled in a difficult custody case, and Gibson currently has full visitation rights.

根据卫生委员会的规定,挨家挨户的探访持续进行了下去。House-to-house visitation has been carried on, under the regulations of the General Board of Health.

管理人员还说医院的探视规定是不会歧视同性伴侣的。They also said the hospital's general visitation policy does not discriminate against same-sex couples.

原因在于我国探望权制度本身的缺陷与不足。The reason is that the visitation rights of our country have their inherent weaknesses and inadequacies.

探视权是亲权的重要内容,是基于父母子女身份关系而产生的权利与义务,它既是权利又是义务。Visitation right, an integral part of parental power, arises from the relation between parent and child.

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我估计应该是当地发生了什么可疑事件才把警察引到了这里。I gathered that some suspicious happenings in the locality had led to this visitation by a police officer.

毫无疑问,稀有大象造访这一事件很好诠释了““国家的外交关系正在改善”的说法。The rare elephantine visitation undoubtedly reflected an "improvement in the country's foreign relations".

可是她的婆家认为祖先还是重要些,因此坚持圣诞节必须上祖坟。But that family knew only the primacy of its own ancestors, and insisted on their grave visitation on Christmas.