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领款人必须在支票上背书。The payee of the cheque must endorse the cheque.

你确认要关闭选定的收付款人?Are you sure you want to close the selected payee?

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支票进账单打印,会自动记忆收款人和付款人的信息。Jinzhangchan check printing, automatic memory payer and payee information.

只适用于已透过渣打网上理财登记为收款人的户口。Only applicable to payee accounts registered via Standard Chartered Online.

受款人因同一原因而缺勤的持续时间。The consecutive period of time that a payee is absent from work for the same reason.

他们还将让你打印的收款人姓名就检查是否使用了我们的安全名称的选择。They will also let you print the payee name on the check using our Secure Name option.

您需要在支票收款人一栏上写上收款人姓名或收款商户名称。You need to write down the name of the payee on the line next to 'pay to the order of'.

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例如汇至伦敦的美元存入收款人在美国开立的银行帐户。For example, payee remit the dollar in London in the United States to open bank accounts.

凡本票在未交付予受款人或持票人之前,仍属未完成及不完备之…A promissory note is inchoate and incomplete until delivery thereof to the payee or bearer.

收款人的名字是钱款应该支付给的个人或者公司的名字。The Payee Name is the name of the individual or company to whom the payment should be made out.

本票对受款人来说是应收票据,对出票人来说则是应付票据。A promissory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker.

一般都是当出票人拒绝接受付款的时候要求这么做。It is usually done at the request of the remitter of the payee who refuses to receive the payment.

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收款人尚未收到付款。请调查此事后尽快付款并通知我们。Payee has not received the payment. Please investigate and effect payment soon under advice to us.

银行出纳员点击收据上打印的收据和给收款人的打印按钮。The Bank teller clicks the Print button on the receipt to print the receipt and give to the payee.

出票是指出票人签发票据并将其交付给收款人的票据行为。Article 20 "Issue" means a drawer's signing of a bill of exchange and delivering of it to the payee.

申请人或收款人一方为单位的,只能申请签发转账银行汇票。If the applicant or the payee is unit client, only transfer bank draft can be applied for and issued.

申请人或收款人一方为单位的,只能申请签发转账银行本票。If the applicant or the payee is unit client, only transfer bank cheque can be applied for and issued.

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第八十七条支票上未记载收款人名称的,经出票人授权,可以补记。Article 87 A cheque in which the name of the payee is missing may be completed by the drawer's mandate.

如果支票未写日期,收款人自己可以或出纳要求收款人填写日期。If a cheque is presented undated the payee can enter a date and should be asked to do so by the cashier.

用于支取现金的支票仅限于收款人向付款人提示付款。A check for payment of cash shall be only limited to the presentment by the payee to the drawee for payment.