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这痛是持久的。The pain is lasting.

点一盏长明的灯。Light a lasting lamp.

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持久的悲伤,焦虑或空虚感Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood

我们曾身处在那永恒的花之海洋。We were there, in ever lasting bloom.

我们曾在那里,沉浸在永恒的如鲜花般盛开的幸福里。We were there, in ever lasting bloom.

这是以色列人永远的定例。This is a lasting ordinance for Israel.

我们要把Twitter打造成一家持久型的公司。We are here to build a lasting company.

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港翛对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。First impression of you is most lasting.

爱是永远常存的秘诀。Love is the secret of a lasting heritage.

从太古时代一直持续的天空的歌曲。It has been lasting since the oldest days.

这些反应分为瞬时效应与长期持续。These effects are instant and long lasting.

作为回报,永恒的女妖希望她的灵魂。As redound, lasting succubus hopes her soul.

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其香气鲜灵浓郁,持久。Its fragrance fresh spirit is rich, lasting.

啊!若我的青春一梦不醒有多妙!Oh! that my young life were a lasting dream!

翻译是不同民族语际交流的实践活动。Translation is a long lasting human activity.

好笑的事物能够在我们的大脑里形成长久性记忆,因此不易忘却。Humor stays with us, forming a lasting memory.

所以,这确实是他们的长期遗产。So that’s really sort of their lasting legacy.

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突然出现的浪漫的恋情不会持久。Sudden romantic infatuations won't be lasting.

那是我们爱情的结晶,生命的延续。That is our amatory crystal , the life lasting.

但事实证明其他的新政措施却是历久弥新。But other New Deal measures proved long lasting.