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而且有我迷人的酒窝…And has got my charming dimple.

盲目的爱情把豁嘴当酒窝。Blind love mistakes a harelip for a dimple.

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笑靥如花,轻轻的吻在你的脸颊。Dimple like flower, lips gently in yours cheeks.

那个生个小酒窝和蓝眼睛的人有什么罪呢?And was he to blame with his dimple and his blue eyes?

小丫头露出顽皮的笑靥。The bond maid peeps out to very naughtily smile dimple.

美,不过一瞬,犹若那个浅浅的酒窝。Beauty can just stay a moment , like that shallow dimple.

比如你的卷发或微笑时的酒窝。Maybe it's your curly hair or the dimple you get when you smile.

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断口分析表明,合金低周疲劳断口的主要特征是平行的条纹及韧窝。The chief character of fracture is fatigue striation and dimple.

看着她大笑、微笑或露出酒窝,并对她加以赞美。See her laugh, smile or dimple in her cheek and compliment her on it.

到现在还给你脸上留了一个酒窝般的坑,笑不笑它都很明显。Now back to your face with a dimple like pit, laugh it all very obvious.

酒窝整形伤口没好线就掉了会影响效果吗?Doesn't dimple plastics cut have fine line to drop meeting effect effect?

许多男人只因迷恋小小酒窝而犯下娶了整个姑娘的错误。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marring the whole girl.

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实现了一种用于自动测量弹性臂窝点接触力的新型测试仪。A novel apparatus is developed for automatic dimple contact force measurement.

不少男人只因爱上了酒窝儿,错把整个娘儿聚过来。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

不少男人只因爱上了酒窝儿,错把整个娘儿聚过来。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

许多男子爱上女孩的酒窝,结果竟犯了迎娶整个女孩的错误。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.

她叫雷塔,棕色短发,笑起来脸上有个酒窝。Raisa is her name. She has shortish brown hair and sort of a dimple in her chin.

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学会怎样让自己的领带的结口下泛起一些“涟漪”,这是成为绅士的一个小敲门哦。Learn how to form a dimple in your tie. It's the little things that make a gentleman.

合金的断口形貌由韧窝向河流花纹状的解理形貌转变。The fractures of the alloys change from dimple to cleavage fracture with river pattern.

随后形成一个圆球状的泡囊,直至发育成耳朵。And this dimple is later forming a vesicle, a round ball, that goes on and forms the ear.