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剩下他独自一个张大著嘴发呆。He was left alone and agape.

他张著大嘴注视著。He watched with mouth agape.

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只有阿加比能做到这一点。The only thing that would be agape.

弱小的国家目瞪口呆并吓呆了。The weak countries were agape and aghast.

圣爱和互爱之间存在着辩证关系。The relationship of agape and mutual love is dialectic.

她的眼睛冻得张开着,瞪得大大的,她的嘴也张着。Her eyes were frozen open, wide and staring, her mouth agape.

中国爱加倍基金会将于今年,常德举行唇腭裂义诊。Chinese Agape Foundation will have a cleft palate medical mission in Changde this year.

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您认为申请人來本院就讀会对他将來的服事有何帮助?。How would you think studying in Agape will benefit the applicant in his future service?

环绕之间,月相有所改变,炫目的财宝终将使你眼花缭乱。When ' twixt their arms the moon takes shape, The dazzle of riches will leave all agape.

性爱,当然指的是激情,而情爱则是深沉持久的爱,是承诺之爱。Eros, of course was passion, whereas agape was deep and enduring love, the love of commitment.

接著这些鲸鱼齐一行动,一跃而起,大嘴张开呈45度角以上。Then, as one, the whales hurdle themselves up, mouths agape at angles greater than 45 degrees.

每当你善待一个不配的人,便是靠著神的爱所赋予的能力行事。Whenever you do something good for an undeserving person, you are acting on the power of agape.

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执务会已决定捐款于忙人协会与爱加倍辅导团。Church board had decided to donate some money to Persatuan Orang Buta and Agape Counseling Group.

但是人们要明白信和望,他又总结说神的爱是最大的。But understanding that eventually faith and hope will be realized, he concluded that agape love is the greatest.

一天,他的妻子走进厨房,发现丈夫画了数百张大张着嘴好似外星人的面孔。One day, his wife came in to the kitchen to find her hubby drawing hundreds of alien-like faces with mouths agape.

博爱路的使命是推崇博爱人生,激发真理追寻,劝人与上帝和好。The mission of Agape Way is to promote Agape living, to inspire truth Seeking, and to persuade people to be reconciled to God.

神对世人的爱最为政治之爱时意味着对于邻里的无条件的,平等的爱可以作为一个新秩序的基础。Agape as political love means that unconditional, egalitarian love for one's neighbour can serve as the foundation for a new order.

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这年轻的张口发呆地在和口的特性胁迫的姿势中站立了而且允许了它本身与比较的安逸一起照相。This young one stood in a characteristic threatening pose with mouth agape and allowed itself to be photographed with relative ease.

阿加比是上帝的爱,上帝就是爱的化身,这牵扯到我在第一部的,一章里所说的“神圣的赐予Agape is God's love and God is defined as love, and that involves what I call in the chapter in the first volume, "the divine bestow".

此套餐顾问均毕业于美国名牌大学,有丰富的英语教学经验。Consultations are provided by AGAPE Consultants who are well-experienced in English teaching and are graduates of top American universities.