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蒂亚戈有着无尽的天赋。Thiago has an inexhaustible talent.

据说这口井很大,它的水是取之不尽用之不竭的。The well is, they say, great and inexhaustible.

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这此实在是受用不尽的话!What inexhaustible words! The God of peace Himself.

彼得有几乎用之不尽的农奴。Peter had a virtually inexhaustible supply of serfs.

不要认为自然资源是永不穷匮的。Don't believe that natural resources are inexhaustible.

我将一次又一次地死去,以此明白世命是绵延不尽的。I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible.

为了弄明白生是无穷无尽的,我将万死不辞。I shall die again and again to know that life is inexhaustible.

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宇宙中的资源是用之不竭的,这也是一个事实。It is also a fact that resources in the universe are inexhaustible.

丰富的海洋资源,是凤凰岛取之不竭的价值宝藏。Rich marine resources are an inexhaustible treasure of Phoenix Island.

拖泥带水的爱,最后也只剩下无尽的伤感。The loathsome love, also is only left over inexhaustible moved finally.

所以显然镁资源是无处不在的,几乎是用之不竭的。So, clearly magnesium resources are ubiquitous and virtually inexhaustible.

哪年,哪月,才能够收回那无尽的宝藏?Which year, which month, only then can take back that inexhaustible buried treasure?

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我们无法估量的知识资源是不断发展永不枯竭的。Our imponderable resources in knowledge are constantly growing and are inexhaustible.

那一定是个自由自在、无拘无束、欢乐无穷的自己。The one that is free, unrestrained, and lives from a place of deep inexhaustible joy.

在过去的几十年里,人们对待矿物的态度就好像矿物的供应取之不尽,用之不竭。In the past few decades men behaved as if their supplies of minerals were inexhaustible.

除去被解译为“罗夏试验中的男性固着”的时候,她简直就是剧作家们从不枯竭的灵感之源。When not serving as a Rorschach test of male fixations, Cleopatra is an inexhaustible muse.

正是祂那用之不竭的恩典、祂那无穷无尽的爱、祂的一切良善与恩慈。All of His inexhaustible grace, all of His boundless love, all of His goodness and kindness.

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他们把射不尽的开花弹在敌人的队伍中爆炸开来。Inexhaustible in the matter of grape-shot, they created explosions in their assailants' midst.

它现在像一匹骆驼,靠它的驼峰维持生命,可是连最大的驼峰也有消耗干净的一天呢。It's living on its hump now, like the camel, and even the largest of humps aren't inexhaustible.

祈求生命的观念为民间剪纸赋予了不竭的血液和旺盛的生命活力。Pray for folk paper-cutting concept of life gives an inexhaustible blood and exuberant vitality.