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始终交织成的空中节日。Always interwoven into the festive air.

那是因为他们常常紧密地交织在一起。That is because they are often closely interwoven.

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我们设想的这些变革都相互纠缠在一起。Those liberalizations were, we imagined, all interwoven.

又照圣所内链子的样式作链子,安在柱顶上。He made interwoven chains and put them on top of the pillars.

淡水珍珠和水钻由股线编织成的手链。Freshwater pearl and rhinestone strand interwoven with thread.

这些画面被细分为很细的垂直分段并交替排列。Those images are sliced into thin vertical segments and interwoven.

这些修行内容是自我修行不可分割的组成部分。These spiritual practices are part of the interwoven fabric of self-culture.

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但大多数情况是复杂的,与全球的人类活动交织在一起。But most situations are complex, interwoven with human activities across the globe.

这把椅子五个框架特点由交织绳和皮革坐垫构成。The chair features five frame sections with interwoven rope and leather cushion pads.

独奏和乐队部分交融在一起,复调织体却又十分透明。Solo and tutti themes are subtly interwoven and the polyphonic texture is transparent.

我们的生命是数以千计的事件和瞬间的混合物,交织成一个巨大的谜。Our lives are a mixture of thousands of events and moments interwoven into one big puzzle.

这些角色的生活都以一种不可想象但令人信服的喜剧方式纠缠在一起。These characters lives are interwoven with others in unimagined but convincing and comical ways.

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亚麻纱、亚麻布、苎麻纱、苎麻布、棉布、交织织物、混纺纱等。Linen yarn, linen fabric, ramie yarn & fabric, cotton fabric, interwoven fabric, blended yarn etc.

境内油面公路纵横交织,连接每个乡镇和村。Oil inside interwoven vertical and horizontal surface roads connecting every township and village.

云锦华贵瑰丽,常用金线或银线在提花机上织出。Yun brocade, rich and grand, is jacquard weave and usually interwoven with gold or silver threads.

通过一系列复杂的、巧妙的交互,认知结果就被完成了。Through a sequence of complexly and subtly interwoven interactions, cognitive results are achieved.

柱顶上有装修的网子、拧成的炼索、顶七个。A network of interwoven chains festooned the capitals on top of the pillars, seven for each capital.

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第二部分是这款产品的音频音调,交织成双耳的音乐。The second component of this product is the binaural audio tones that are interwoven into the music.

一些材料批评学家认为这个故事,是由很多素材交织在一起的而成的。And source critics looking at this material discern numerous, diverse sources that are interwoven throughout.

这些构成了他们儒道两相交织的家学家风。These constitute their Family Style and Family learning which is the the interwoven of Confucianism and Taoism.