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残留边带?。VSB? Vestigial SideBand?

智牙是另一种退化遗留物。Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant.

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残留边带抑制载波?。VS-SC? Vestigial Sideband Suppressed Carrier?

对沃尔夫来说,以前的支付方式是老掉渣的东西。For Wolfe, the old payment world is a vestigial appendage.

实际上,残存的大气仍在向太空缓慢逃逸。In fact, the vestigial atmosphere is still slowly dissipating into space.

天色已晚,天空中仅存几丝橙色。The day had gone, leaving only vestigial traces of pale orange in the sky.

越老的遗留代码,您会找到越多的残留代码。The older and crustier the legacy code is, the more vestigial code you'll find.

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所以今天我们总是在它们刚刚开始长的时候就会拔掉。This is why these vestigial structures are almost always removed when they begin to come in.

虽然腿不能支撑龙王鲸在陆地上的体重,但是尚未完全退化。Though unable to support a Basilosaurus's weight on land, these legs weren't completely vestigial.

任一种长有短毛,通常有纯色毛皮,体内留有已退化尾巴的家养猫种。Any of a breed of the domestic cat having short hair, usually solid color, and an internal vestigial tail.

越冬腺瘤是一种由早期胚胎中棕色脂肪退化的遗迹发展而成的罕见肿瘤。The hibernoma is a rare neoplasm derived from vestigial remnants of brown fat left from early embryologic development.

即使我的身体对你还有残念,我的大脑清楚得很。你也应该清楚,走啦。Despite whatever vestigial attraction My body may feel for you, my brain knows better. And yours should, too. I gotta go.

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给我的感觉是意大利人唯一擅长的就是躺在祖先的遗迹上收钱。The sense that gives me is an Italian what be good at exclusively is those who lie in the ancestor is vestigial on receive fund.

当这些障碍被减弱到残留形式时,就可以通过把心分解成它的最初因而将之摧毁。When these obstacles have been reduced to a vestigial form, they can be destroyed by resolving the mind back into its primal cause.

而且就算用万能胶粘牢了,还是会有一点点布料悬在那儿,就像小指套长度太长不合手的手套。Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.

前臂瘦长,如同一只无翼的蝙蝠,后腿巨大,外形上和蝗虫的后腿相似,还长有几对残肢。It has long gangly forearms like a wingless bat large hind legs similar to a grasshopper's in shape and several pairs of vestigial limbs.

如果你不喜欢炫耀器官退化的外形,起一身鸡皮疙瘩,你可以穿的暖暖和和,呆在安静的环境中,避免受惊吓。If you're uncomfortable showing off your vestigial physiognomy, dress warmly, place yourself in calm environments, and avoid horror flicks.

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精阜中央有一个小凹陷,是胚胎发生时的遗迹,叫前列腺小囊,没有生理功能。Essence of life mounds in the center of have small cave, it is embryo happening when vestigial , call prostate follicular, without physiology function.

跟退化结构相似的概念还有返祖现象,它的意思是生物体身上重新出现直系祖先没有的结构或特征。Similar in concept to vestigial structures are atavisms, which are the reappearance of a structure or trait that isn’t found in the immediate ancestors.

科思是一位脸上绘有简单刺青的人形种族男子。退化了的角生长在他的头顶上。他携带一把绿色光剑。Koth was a humanoid male whose face was etched with simple tattoos. A crown of vestigial horns sprouted from his skull. He carried a green-bladed lightsaber.