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开始时我们被引错了路。We have been misguided at first.

这问题可能根本是被误导的。may have turned out to be misguided.

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这样的假设完全是被误导的。Any such presumption is totally misguided.

你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗?Do you think he ? or dylan ? is misguided.

你认为他或狄伦是步入歧途吗?Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided?

我想这真是一个有误导性的反驳I think that's really a misguided objection.

许多坏的设计是勤勉的,但是被误导了.A lot of bad design is industrious, but misguided.

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那么,“能量守恒”会是这类误导我们的观念之一吗?Is conservation of energy one of those misguided ideas?

其中有些公司对什么是敏捷抱有错误的观点。Some have misguided ideas about what it means to be Agile.

在美国,它的意思是自杀性袭击,这种袭击是被错误导向的。In the American lexicon, a kamikaze is a misguided suicide bomber.

他们把自己的钱用于保健可能会被误导或者挪作他用。Their use of money for healthcare may well be misguided or ad hoc.

同样地,就爱国主义来说,这样的结论是错误的。Again, as in the case of patriotism, such conclusions are misguided.

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而高等教育的一个被误导的焦点增加了困难。And a misguided focus for higher education is adding to the difficulty.

一个类似地存在已久但误导人的观点是基于血型的饮食方法。A similarly persistent but misguided idea is the blood-type diet approach.

不要像个老古董一样,也不要被年轻人的思想左右。Don't act like an old fogey, but don't be misguided by young people, either.

你是否认为他或者BD已经误入岐途了?你是否也象讨厌病人一样反对AC吗?Do you think he – or Dylan – is misguided?Do you reject Alice Cooper as sick?

而之后那些方向错误的计划,都是穷极无聊和乌托邦思想混杂的产物。The misguided projects that followed came from a mix of boredom and utopianism.

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而在失业费用上的小气吝啬则会像带错路一样致命。And penny-pinching at the expense of the unemployed is cruel as well as misguided.

乔迪正被他所信奉的做事原则引入歧途。Jody acts according to the rules that make sense to him, misguided though they are.

一些人顽强地坚持种族优越性的错误观点。Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superiority.