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各方关注的一个焦点问题是援助物资的合理分配。One of the main concerns is that aid is distributed equitably.

因为分配不均的问题,这个问题从来就没有顺过民意。It's not as equitably distributed as one would like it to be distributed.

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经检测发现,他们的衣鞋上均沾有放射性物质。The testing found that their clothing shoes equitably radioactive substances.

他们在每个孩子身上花的钱更少但是却更有效率更公平。They spend less money per pupil than we do but distribute it more efficiently and more equitably.

为了确保未来能够公平公正并且负责任地管理北极,我们需要建立一个新的国际秩序吗?Do we need a new international system to make sure the Arctic's future is managed equitably and responsibly?

协议陷入窘境的原因在于,它开始谈的是水域,其后却试图将其公平划分。The reason the treaty is under strain is that it starts with the water and then tries to divide it equitably.

他指出,要保持社会凝聚力,就要确保全社会平等分担经济危机带来的伤害。That could mean ensuring any economic pain was equitably shared across society, he said, to maintain social cohesion.

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补偿款从何而来又如何公平合理地在知识原产国之间进行分配?And how will compensation payments be collected and distributed equitably among those who originally held this knowledge?

此刻我们必须把财富建立在开放的市场之上,更公平地分享利益。This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably.

他们说这样会食物比男性得到食品抵用卷时分配的更平衡。They said the food would be more likely to be divided equitably within the household this way than if men got the vouchers.

在南卡罗来纳州,他们有120天制定一项计划,概述了该公司新的资本结构和公平地对待所有债权人。They have 120 days to develop a plan that outlines a new capital structure for the company and that treats all creditors equitably.

正确管理是留住人才的基础,合理的物质待遇是留住人才的法宝。The proper management is the basis of retaining the talents. Equitably material treatment is a magic weapon to retain their talents.

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本组织还帮助发展中国家更加有效和公平地参加国际商品和食品贸易。The Organization also assists developing countries to participate more effectively and equitably in international commodities and food trade.

中低收入经济体的另一个大问题是让人民公平地分享区域财富增加带来的好处。Another big issue for middle-income economies is ensuring that the benefits of greater wealth in the region are shared equitably among the people.

我们的目标是使世界关注卫生方面的不公平现象并力图达到在世界各地公平分布的可接受的健康水平。Our goal was to focus world attention on health inequities and on trying to attain an acceptable level of health, equitably distributed throughout the world.

另外一个重要挑战是,确保这些国家的所有地区都能公平地分享这些国家迄今为止所取得的经济增长的收益。Another key challenge is ensuring the benefits of economic growth the countries have enjoyed to date are equitably shared across all regions within a country.

这项政策的目的在于帮助银行系统恢复健康,在其为过去所犯下的错误均衡公平地买单的同时,恢复增长态势。The policy aims to improve the health of the banking system so growth can resume, while dividing the cost of paying for the mistakes of the past more equitably.

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为了保证各项体育产业政策的顺利实施,体育主管部门要合理定位,转变职能,以促进体育事业的发展。To guarantee the successful implement of all PE industry policies, PE authoritative agency must orientate equitably and transform function to promote PE development.

政府首先重视的是秩序的问题,而要达到话,自然需要让老百姓感到法律的运用是平等而适宜的。Government was primarily concerned with the maintenance of order, but to do so, it was clear that the people had to feel that laws were applied fairly and equitably.

一个新的国际贸易机制必须公平地平衡这些利弊,尤其是不致使最贫困、最无粮食保障的国家受害。A new international trade regime must balance equitably these positives and negatives, especially so that the poorest countries — the least food secure — do not suffer.