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他竖起一只眼皮。He cocked an eyebrow.

哈利挑起了一条眉毛。Harry raised an eyebrow.

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纳达尔眉毛一扬。Nadal raises an eyebrow.

形容情人的娥眉。Made to his mistress' eyebrow.

能借一下你的眉笔吗?。Can I borrow your eyebrow pencil?

峨眉老尼洋洋自得的说道。The E eyebrow old nun smugly says.

他向我竖起眉毛要求解释。He cocked an eyebrow for me to explain.

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切眉有风险吗?切眉怎样做好?Cut eyebrow a risk? How to do eyebrow cut?

我臊眉耷眼的走了,正如我挤眉弄眼地来。Da eyebrow eye of SAO walk, as I make faces.

切眉或多或少能将其改善些。The improvement can cut more or less eyebrow.

咏歌恋人的眉毛。然后是一个战士。Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier.

所以这些人就接受了局部切眉。So these people to accept a partial cut eyebrow.

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我挑着眉毛笑得很欠扁。I pick an eyebrow to laugh to owe very much flat.

Guru没有反应—只是动了动眉毛。The Guru didn't respond—she just arched an eyebrow.

修眉可不仅限于女性。Eyebrow maintenance is not restricted to women only.

眼眉间的线条都只是轻微的隆起。The boney eyebrow ridges are only slightly developed.

我冷笑着对他挑挑眉尖——你说呢?I sneer at to pick an eyebrow point to him-do you say?

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包括眉阴影,眼线笔,和荧光笔。Includes eyebrow shadows, eyeliners, and highlighters.

可秦岚却忍不住重重的皱起了眉。Can Qin Lan but unbearable heavily wrinkled up eyebrow.

眉毛又粗又浓,一字行的非常的平整。The eyebrow is thick and thick, a word goes very neatly.