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爱院爱校教育是集体主义教育的有效着力点。It is an effective impetus to collectivism education.

他们与早期的个人主义者一样,害怕集体主义。They share with earlier individualists a fear of collectivism.

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其实它和集体主义在最终服务的目的上是一致的。Actually, it keeps step with the Collectivism in the final aim.

辅助性的原则反对任何形式的集体主义。The principle of subsidiarity is opposed to all forms of collectivism.

恐惧和猜忌是青少年集体意识的根本要素。何以见得?。Juvenile collectivism is attributed to fear and jealousy. How is it so?

集体主义的核心内容是个体价值定位的问题。The core content of collectivism is the issue of individually value orientation.

文化的维度,有复杂性、紧密性、个体主义和集体主义等。The dimensions of culture include complexity, tightness, individualism, collectivism.

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爱国主义、集体主义和社会主义是中华民族精神的核心。The patriotism, collectivism and socialisms are the cores of the Chinese nation spirit.

然而今天全球化和文化集体制抹杀了这个族群的个性。However, globalization and cultural collectivism today are wiping out their individuality.

发展社会主义市场经济应坚持“新集体主义”原则。To develop socialist market economy should adhere to the principles of "new collectivism".

米塞斯的观点同时还为进一步分析所有形式的集体主义提供的丰富的思想。Mises's point has also been a fruitful one for further theorizing about all forms of collectivism.

因此,爱国主义和集体主义教育同样是思想政治教育的重要内容。Collectivism is also one of primary coverages of the time main melody and the core of socialism moral outlook.

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但也蕴藏着忽视基础理论、忽视书本知识和偏离集体主义价值观的倾向。On the other hand, they are inclined to ignore the basic theory and book knowledge and deviate from collectivism.

与个人主义相对应的是独立自我构念,与集体主义相对应的是互依自我构念。Corresponding to individualism is independent self-construal and to collectivism is interdependent self-construal.

文化可分为集体主义文化和个体主义文化两种模式。According to some researches, culture might be divided into two dimensions, that is, collectivism and individualism.

这种机制逐渐摆脱了依靠个人的积极性,而转向集体制和由国家、市政当局掌管的企业。It was moreover a step away from individual initiative, towards collectivism and municipal and state-owned business.

在实践中,最能体现集体主义观念的班级管理工作也积累出一套原则和方法。In. practice area, a series of principle and method were accumulated in class management which reflects collectivism.

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在现阶段,尤其需要以爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义作为基本的价值导向。In present period, especially needs making patriotism, collectivism and socialism as basic guiding direction of val-ue.

爱国主义和集体主义精神历来是一个民族生存、的主旋律,是一个民族生命力的象征。That the patriotism and the collectivism spirit always are a national existence, theme developing, is a nation life-force symbol.

这种人格的转型,必须以中国传统的“集体主义”向社群主义的转换为基础。The transformation of this character must be based on the conversion of traditional Chinese "collectivism" to the communitarianism.