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看看你的简历。Look at your resume.

可是我的履历表呢?What about your resume?

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继续钻进到总井深。Resume drilling to T. D.

把某人的履历用电子邮件发给…E-mail one's resume to sb.

我想要把我的履历表寄去。I'd like to send my resume.

让应用程序恢复运行。Let the application resume.

但是现在,这只是履历表中的一个栏目。Now it’s just a résumé item.

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然后继续面试。And then resume interviewing.

请提交简历和介绍。Please submit resume and intro.

你们要求提供英文简历吗?DO you require an english resume?

保持一份光鲜的个人简历及作品履历Keep a Polished Resume &Portfolio

左击恢复进度。Left click to resume the session.

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请先将你的简历寄过来。Please mail us your resume first.

美国式简历的关键是要简短。S. -style resume. Brevity is key.

履历表是否需要新的首字母缩写。Does your resume need new acronyms?

你不能仅仅依赖于写好简历。You can't just rely on your resume.

你必须交一份个人简历。You're required to submit a resume.

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随信附寄个人简历一份。Enclosed please find a brief resume.

我从没有写过简历。I had never written a resume before.

协调世界时0930恢复船上日常工作。Resume on-board routine at 0930 UTC.