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运动员的足掌触地角较小。Foot touchdown angle is smaller.

你不能放弃那个触地得分。You cannot give up that touchdown.

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等到下一个达阵之后我们就走吧。Let's leave after the next touchdown.

对于我叫做触地得分的东西你要小心了。Watch out for what I call the touchdown.

虎队首先底线得分,打破僵局。The Tigers broke the ice with a touchdown.

让我们试图达阵吧,我想要赢!B. Let's go for the touchdown. I want to win!

那位明星中位接住远传球触地得分。The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown.

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托尼阻挡汤姆,让杰克攻入对方端区持球触地得分。Tony blocked Tom, allowing Jack to run for the touchdown.

他倚在椅上,双脚舒适地张开,脚板着地。He leans on chair, double foot is stretched cozily , baseboard touchdown.

高中时的每次达阵得分,我都应该好好感谢她。I should have thanked her after every touchdown I ever scored in high school.

右转航向350切入航道,距着陆点27海里。Turn right heading350 to intercept the localizer, 27 miles from the touchdown.

队落后了,但在最后时刻塞姆底线得分转败为胜。The team was behind, but at the last minute Sam saved the day with a touchdown.

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你是否被驱迫着去赢取,但却推向先生“我一定要舒适自在”以求得安逸无事?Are you driven to win, but pushing Mr. "I must be comfortable" to score the touchdown?

我想知道,因为空气阻力,延迟多久以后落地。I wanted to know how many milliseconds is the touchdown delayed because of the air drag.

我们用一个软着陆闭锁装置来标明垂直起降模式下所需要的着陆下沉速率。We use a soft stop detent to indicate the desired touchdown sink rate in the STOVL mode.

如果你“触地”得分,这就是所谓的达阵得分,那就是六分,With, when you get a touchdown which is what it's called, when you score, it's six points

那个在科举考试里获第一名的人,是和一个球员冲破敌人防线,帮球队获得胜利一样。And he who comes out on top in the civil examinations is like a player who makes a touchdown.

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高中时的每次达阵得分,我都应当好反感谢她。I should haudio-videoe thanked her shortly after every touchdown I ever scored in high school.

外接手们能够触地得分成千上万次的练习接球。Wide receivers practice catching the ball thousands of times for every touchdown catch they make.

在离橄榄球比赛结束前还剩30秒钟时,哈佛队的中卫获得底线得分,结果击败了耶鲁队。With 30 seconds to go in the football game, the Harvard halfback scored a touchdown to beat Yale.