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是个老人。He's an old duffer.

她在玩游戏上是个笨蛋。She's a duffer at games.

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和一位老糊涂跳舞。Dance with an old duffer.

对于玩高尔夫球来说,他是一个笨蛋。I was always a bit of a duffer at maths.

我认为你是被爱德华说是笨蛋和新手的话所伤害了。I thought you were hurt by Edward's saying you were a duffer and a beginner.

我老爸可真是个老笨蛋,有这么过时的想法,不过不管怎样我都爱他。My dad is a real old duffer with such out-dated ideas, but I love him anyway.

学者和艺术家聚在一起时常有不知彼此区别的困扰。Scholars and artists thrown together are often annoyed at the puzzle of where they duffer.

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他比我认识的任何人都更多的懂得生活,和您在一起,伊爵士,我觉得自己一无是处。GERALD. He knows more about life than any one I have ever met. I feel an awful duffer when I am with you, Lord Illingworth.

一个被加利福尼亚的西风吹得不见血色的柔弱女子哪是这个摩拳擦掌、气势汹汹的老混蛋的对手。A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer.

一个弱小的女人,已经被加利福尼亚的西风吹得没有什么血色了,当然经不起那个有着红拳关,气吁吁的老家伙的常识。A mite of a little woman with blood thinned by California zephyrs was hardly fair game for the red-fisted, short-breathed old duffer.

最近的是达夫在联赛杯半决赛第二回合的比赛上,在老特拉福德带进一记任意球,帮助我们挺进何塞上任的第一个决赛,最终击败利物浦拿到了众多奖杯中的第一个。More recently, the Duffer free kick goal in the Carling Cup semi 2nd leg at Old Trafford, taking us to Jose's first final, beating the Poo for the first of many.

现在他在切尔西成了边缘人,比赛中表现出色但也受伤过多,这也就不奇怪他为什么无法在队中获得稳定的主力位置了。Now Duffer may be a spud chewing, working class hero but he is also injured a lot so it's not surprising that he doesn't get a consistent run in the Chelsea team.