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这部电影够刺激。The movie is biting.

别咬嘴唇啦!Stop biting your lip!

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它们在咬我!Ahh! They're biting me!

我又要开始咬指甲了。Let the nail biting begin.

梅金咬着嘴唇说。Megan said, biting her lip.

天气寒冷刺骨。The weather is biting cold.

我在钓鱼,鱼在咬钩。I'm fishing. The fish is biting.

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刺骨的寒风使视力模糊。The biting wind bleared the vision.

吸血鬼咬过你后,开始眩晕了。Vampires get woozy after biting you.

这是我爸爸,他是一条咬人的狗。This is my dada , he is a biting dog.

不知它乱咬还是不乱咬。I wonder if it is biting or not biting.

她用尖刻的挖苦话使人哑口无言。She squelched them with biting sarcasm.

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一条狗,终于咬着了自己的尾巴。A dog that winds up biting its own tail.

狗咬了兽医,却还露出得意的狞笑。Feels so proud of his dog biting the vet.

但是坦桑尼亚政府并不买账。But the Tanzanian government is not biting.

她有像咬手指甲的习惯。She has some cute habits like biting nails.

你为什么不停止咬手指甲呢?Why don't you stop biting your fingernails?

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请把你的狗叫开,他在咬我的腿!Please call your dog off, he's biting my leg!

今天晚上蚊子叮得好凶!The mosquitoes are really biting this evening!

够咬了他的新鞋,他气得火冒三丈。He is mad with the dog for biting his new shoe.