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植物油易消化而矿物油则不然。Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.

将任务和信息分解成小的、可消化的片段。Break tasks and information into small, digestible chunks.

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它使得淀粉分子变成更加易消化的片段。It breaks starch molecules into more digestible fragments.

谁不喜欢容易理解掌握而又有用的信息呢?Who doesn’t enjoy useful information in an easily digestible format?

即使烹调只是软化了食物,也能使之更易消化。Even just softening food — which cooking does — makes it more digestible.

那么,你具有那种把任何信息转化为可以让人消化理解的形式的能力吗?Do you have what it takes to convert any message into an easily digestible form?

本试验还探索了可消化蛋白质的需要量。The requirements of digestible proteins were also explored passingly in the experiment.

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而此时你只会喝下原先那种咖啡一半的糖分以及更容易被消耗掉的270卡路里。Suddenly, you’re looking at nearly half as much sugar and a far more digestible 270 calories.

为获得最佳效果,运动前的膳食应将蛋白质与易消化的碳水化合物相结合。For best results, pre-exercise meals should combine protein and easily digestible carbohydrates.

雷克斯解释说,按照定义,牧草是除分离谷物之外的可消化植物部分。By definition forages are the digestible parts of plants other than separated grain rex explains.

这些微小的细菌和原生动物可分解纤维素.成可吸收的营养。These microscopic bacteria and protozoa break down cellulose and fiber into digestible nutrients.

淀粉和淀粉水解产物占人们饮食中可消化吸收碳水化合物的绝大部分。Starch and starch hydrolysis products constitute most of the digestible carbohydrate In the human diet.

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乳糖酶分解牛奶糖,乳糖进入更易于消化的糖类半乳糖和葡萄糖。Lactase breaks down the milk-sugar lactose into the more easily digestible sugars galactose and glucose.

一部电影让我们把历史归结为更易消化吸收而且是非分明的事物。A film allows us to boil down history into something more easily digestible and ethically black and white.

成品色泽淡黄,清香爽口,营养丰富,易消化吸收,食用方便。The fernery starch soup showed a good colour, delicate fragrance, nutritious , digestible , absorbent, convenient.

我家的每个人每天都摄取1000-2500的维生素C,这个产品是可消化的,对我们全家都有效果。Our family takes anywhere from 1000-2500 mg of vitamin C a day. This product is very digestible and works well for us.

母乳含有更多婴儿所需的碳水化合物、易于消化的蛋白质、营养物质、维生素和矿物质。Breastmilk has more carbohydrates, easily digestible protein, and the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that infants need.

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非淀粉多糖酶有助于健全动物的消化系统,提高玉米豆粕日粮的消化率。The non-starch polysaccharide enzymes help the animal's digestive system to make the corn-soybean ration more digestible.

马鹿食物中粗蛋白和酸性洗涤木质素的含量低于狍,可消化干物质的含量高于狍。Crude protein and acid detergent lignin were lower and digestible dry matter higher in red deer diets conpared with roe deer.

可消化的碳水化合物通常转化为葡萄糖,它提供了细胞所需要的“燃料”。All digestible carbohydrates are usually converted to glucose, which provides the “fuel” needed by cells for proper functions.