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计量器具与生产仪表等得标定。Equipment and rulers and gage demarcate.

我们开始看到石刻艺术的爆发也就发生在那期间,“诺维尔说,“有一个可能的原因是当时的人类在使用符号来划分所在区域。”One possibility is that they were using the signs to demarcate their territories.

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美国人有很清晰的价值观,能够分清善与恶。Americans have a clear outlook on values and clearly demarcate between good and evil.

这种分割空间界面模糊,限定度低、空间更开放。This kind breaks up dimensional interface faintness , demarcate spends low, space opener.

神圣的事物只有在保护措施,规定,存在的时候才会存在,它们被和世俗区别开来。Holy things only exist because of safeguards, rules that keep them separate, that demarcate them.

结果就是努力移风易俗,并把海滩和湖泊划分为FKK区域和禁止FKK的区域。The result was an effort to regulate the hobby more, and to demarcate beaches and lakes into FKK and clothed areas.

黎巴嫩总理西尼乌拉挑战叙利亚建立外交关系,划定两国边界。Lebanon's Prime Minster Fuad Siniora has challenged Syria to establish diplomatic relation and demarcate their border.

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我们目前正在考虑添加一个名为dynamic的关键字来将动态代码块分隔开The team is currently considering adding the keyword dynamic to the language and using it to demarcate a block of code

SO3磺化生产经常会出现这样的问题.即磺化器的结焦处理及标定。The production of SO3 sulfonation is in common present a problem, that is coking disposal and demarcate of the sulfonator.

运用诸如挡板或是滑面的壁橱等隔断来划分空间,甚至还能制造出额外的区域。Use dividers such as shields or sleek cabinets to divide and demarcate the space and even create additional rooms and areas.

是他们想要进入和退出这封闭系统是由风俗和亲属关系所界定的社会范围。What they want into and out of are the closed systems defined by custom and kinship that demarcate the ends of the social spectrum.

夹层空间为带棚的入口和露台,沟通了室内外的关系。In the intermediate spaces, as the sheltered entrance and the patios, it materializes the relation with the outside, and demarcate areas.

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长城用来划定平原上越南人和山谷里Hrê部落人之间的领土和规范他们之间的贸易和交往。It served to demarcate territory and regulate trade and travel between the Viet in the plains and the Hrê tribes in the mountain valleys.

相反,你可以配置Seam来划分事务,可以从收到web请求开始直到响应页面产生结束。Instead, you can configure Seam to demarcate a database transaction from when the web request is received until the response page is rendered.

结合某一外差干涉测量系统,提出了一个对测量系统的分辨力、输入输出特性进行标定的简单易行的方法。Puts forward a simple method to demarcate the input output characteristic and resolution of the measurement system of heterodyne interference.

本文从几个方面阐述零件图上尺寸的合理标注,有助于训练学生明白尺寸标注的重点要求。This paper explain size demarcate rationally on spare parts in some way, in order that students understand major claims of the size demarcate.

通过实验证明使用低浓度的硫代硫酸钠标液时,可用已配制标定好的硫代硫酸钠标准贮备液直接稀释使用,不需重新标定。It don't need demarcate again through diluting directly when using standard solution of sodium thiosulfate, that has been tested in experiments.

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达到规定标定期限的安全锁,应及时送生产厂家进行检修和重新标定。Achieves the stipulation demarcation deadline the safety lock, should deliver the Manufacturer to carry on the overhaul and to demarcate promptly.

我们通过精选分散剂来削弱布朗运动的影响,利用标准光刻光栅标定了系统放大倍数。We demarcate the magnification of the system by some standard rectangular grating and we select dispersant to abate the influence of Brown motion.

对巨厚的火山岩剖面进行系统的热释光研究,可能标定其喷发旋回和演化特征。We do the thermoluminescence research systems for deep volcanic rocks section, this will possibly demarcate eruptible gyration and evolvement character.