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嘘……我想听清他们说话。Shush. I'm trying to listen.

闭嘴就好,我会处理的。Just shush. I'll handle this.

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停下,多比,多比,嘘!多比,请你停下。Stop Dobby. Dobby shush. Dobby please stop.

艾尔莎想让她安静,但是安娜太激动了。Elsa tries to shush her, but Anna's too excited.

尽管他想叫她别声张,可妹妹还是告了他。His sister told on him though he tried to shush her.

给她唱歌,哼哼,或者发出轻轻的嘘嘘声。Make some soothing noises. Sing, hum, or gently shush her.

当人们回过头来嘘她时,她就放低嗓门讲话了。Her voice thinned down to a whisper as people turned to shush her.

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卡梅尔,被汗水浸透,一只手表示“嘘”秘密地。Camel, soaked with sweat, makes a hand expression for " shush" secretly.

听着,不要嘘走寂静,不要用任何东西替代它。Listen up, people, do not shush away silence, do not replace it with anything anymore.

眼下,大麦、小麦渐熟,一片浅嫩的金黄色,在风中沙沙作响。河边牧草青青,羊群星星点点地徜徉。Wheat and barley, ripening to a pale gold now, shush in the wind and a flock of sheep dot the green river pasture.

以前,他非常想要知道在中国有什么可看的,然后亨利回答了他。In previous years, he had wondered belligerently what there was to see in China, and Henry had been the one to shush Ted.

警方一直试图舒什和孤立的潜在积极分子,通常以低调的警告开始,可能在吃饭或一杯茶。Police have long tried to shush and isolate potential activists, usually starting with a low-key warning, perhaps over a meal or a cup of tea.