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我变成了一个巴甫洛夫式的跳伞者。I had become a Pavlovian parachutist.

那名伞兵从飞机上跳伞。The parachutist dived from the plane.

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我曾经做过飞行员,今天是伞兵了。I used to be a pilot. Now, I'm a parachutist.

播放一小怪物中的作用的一个伞兵。Play a little monster in the role of a parachutist.

他是个经验丰富的跳伞者,已经跳过150多次伞了。He was an experienced parachutist who had done over 150 jumps.

将派伞兵去准备一个机场供轻型飞机降落。Parachutist will is drop to prepare a field for light aircraft.

一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.

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跳伞忘记打开降伞,等于跳楼!Forget parachuting parachutist open, equivalent to jumping off a building!

跳伞运动员要往下跳。他刚跳之后不久,降落伞就会打开。The parachutist is going to jump. Soon after he jumps his parachute will open.

一名奥地利伞兵在维也纳的一次跳伞演习中降落在圣斯蒂芬大教堂。An Austrian army parachutist lands next to St Stephen's cathedral during an exercise in Vienna.

波兰一位84岁的老奶奶于最近和儿媳妇一起跳伞,成为波兰有史以来年纪最大的跳伞人。An 84-year-old lady became Poland's oldest parachutist when she made her first jump with her daughter-in-law.

在德克萨斯阿林顿为棒球球迷们做表演时,表演队伍中一个美国跳伞老兵不慎挂在了旗杆上。As part of a display team putting on a show for baseball fans in Arlington, Texas, an experienced US Army parachutist got tangled up in a flagpole.

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他也是通气孔降落伞的发明者,这种设计能够提高降落伞下降时候的稳定性和流畅性。Garnerin also developed the vented parachute, which improved the stability and smoothness of the fall. His wife Jeanne -Genevieve was the first female parachutist.

阴谋的策划者是集团的副指挥员,他曾经有过很多别名,包括他在阿尔及利亚军队被禁止当飞行员之后的名字萨尔瓦多第。The presumed mastermind of the plot was the GSPC's second-in-command, who goes by many aliases, including El Para after his stint as a parachutist in the Algerian army.