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烤肉店内景。BBQ shop interior.

内政部贴边口袋。Interior welt pockets.

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内政部按钮贴边口袋。Interior button welt pocket.

内政部抽绳腰带。Interior drawstring waistband.

圣本笃教堂,室内。St. Benedict Chapel, Interior.

内政大臣发言人Brig。Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.

庐屋博物馆的内部。Interior of the Hermitage Museum.

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这家教堂的内部漆黑一片。The interior of the church was dark.

氯丁橡胶的内部和拉伸板。Neoprene interior and stretch panels.

一个典型木屋的惯有室内装饰。The typical interior of a typical hut.

向侧面,向中心,向内部。Toward the inside, center, or interior.

诗歌则支撑了这一内心王国。And poetry bolsters that interior realm.

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是地球内营力,还是外营力?Is it interior force, or exterior force?

因此,罗雄先生转向了室内设计。So Mr. Rochon turned to interior design.

内政部防汗带提供清凉舒适。Interior sweatband provides cool comfort.

内墙全都漆成了白色。The interior walls are all painted white.

他的车是黑色与墨绿色的内部。His Car is Black with dark green interior.

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室内设计永远是以人为中心的。Interior Design is always people-centered.

张裕葡萄酒博物馆室内设计。Interior design of Wine of Changyu Museum.

这墙是用糊墙纸裱糊的。We papered the interior walls of our house.