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夸伦卫兵开始武装他们的俘虏。The Quarren guards begin arming their prisoners.

日本也在用迂回的方法武装自己。Japan, too, has been arming itself in a roundabout way.

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卡塔尔这个海湾小国虽是弹丸之地,但却在武装给予反对党支持。The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.

他难道不武装在一家酒吧市中心一些火辣的地方呢?Shouldn't he arming around some hotties in a bar somewhere downtown now?

伊朗还在加沙和黎巴嫩武装反以色列势力。Iran is also arming and training anti-Israeli forces in Gaza and Lebanon.

他说,在运载石油及某些其他货物的船只上配备武器是非常危险的。He said arming vessels carrying certain cargo such as oil would be hazardous.

采用无量纲模型,分析了曲折槽机构的解除保险灵敏度。Arming sensitivity of a zigzag device is analyzed by means of a dimensionless model.

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粘土矿物在安宁盆地含盐系中分布很广。Clay minerals are widely distributed in the salt-bearing series in the Arming basin.

在武装自己的同时,亚洲国家也在向美国靠近。As well as arming themselves, Asian countries have drawn closer to the United States.

船老大们拒绝武装他们的船员,这会让一些国家拒绝他们靠港。Shippers have resisted arming their crews, which would deny them port in some nations.

其实他们已经将自己全副武装起来,而这只会使得事态变得更加不稳定。They are arming themselves to the teeth, and that only makes the situation more volatile.

在世界各地武装反抗军这件事情上,美国有着悠久,复杂和阴暗的历史。The U.S. has a long, complicated, and dark history of arming rebel groups around the world.

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是否明智进一步武装颠覆一个有不敬的词历史的民族的世界?Is it wise to destabilize the world by further arming a nation with a history of dishonoring its word?

以服装面料要求为设计和生产目标,进行了微旦纤维的产品设计和生产实践。Arming at the demands of clothing fabric, the development of microfibre product had been carried through.

这就是为什么我们想方设法入侵伊朗,用武装的激进分子包围这地区并且颠覆叙利亚。This is how we're setting up to invade Iran, by arming militants in around the region and destabilizing Syria.

张飞听罢,更不回言,随即披挂持矛上马,引一千余人,径出北门。Zhang Fei made no response. Arming himself, he mounted and led some 1,000 men out of the north gate forthrightly.

内莫迪亚人指出,他们武装自己船只的目的仅仅是因为外环日益增长的海盗行为。The Neimoidians would point to increased piracy in the wilds of the Outer Rim as just cause for arming their vessels.

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从那天起,徐开始学习房屋拆迁的有关知识,并完成了三个月的法律培训。From that day on, Xu began arming himself with demolition knowledge and also completed three months of legal training.

为了找到这个答案,你应该从事实开始武装自己。弄明白你的公司是怎么运作的,以及劳动市场的力量。To find out, start by arming yourself with facts -- about how your company works and the strength of the labor market.

另一个日本的地下人士,同时表示,他直接与以色列人的武装利比亚的卡扎菲交涉。Another Japanese underground figure meanwhile said he dealt directly with the Israelis who were arming Libya's Khadafi.