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那星星可以用肉眼看见。The star is visible.

38“内页链接都够显眼吗?”How visible are links?

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没有可见的象素。No Visible Pixelation.

音乐,是种看得见的事物。Muisc, is a visible thing.

可视人文规划?。VHP? Visible Human Project?

对可见光透明。Transparent to visible light.

可见光的能量是多少?What is the E of visible light?

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为什么可以在日光返辉中看到油污?Why is oil visible in sunglint?

灵魂是有形还是无形?Is the soul visible or invisible?

现在可以看见所有的标记。All the tags should now be visible.

在可见模式中无法移动小企鹅。You cannot move Tux in visible mode.

生命的脉络才历历可见。In the context of life takes visible.

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在此包外不可见。It is not visible outside the package.

圣礼是可见的神的话。The sacraments are God's Word visible.

对他来说,这个历历可见的自然界是若有若无的。Visible nature hardly existed for him.

链接必须是双向可见的。Links must be bi-directionally visible.

可视超高速缓存操作系统?。VCOS? Visible Caching Operating System?

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为什么对可见光透明呢?Why is it transparent to visible light?

车外的分轨闸和信号灯清晰可见。Brakes and signals were visible without.

目标后面的钟表清晰可见。Clock visible on the wallbehind subject.