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他转向毫无表情的女人。He turned to the impassive woman.

我还是面无表情、不露声色。Again I was impassive and expressionless.

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当她重新安装子弹时,仍然面不改色。Her face remains impassive as she reloads.

我也看她,面无表情、不露声色。I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless.

他满足于站在旁边做一个冷漠的旁观者。He was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

审判员当庭宣读了判决书,默里表情漠然。Murray appeared impassive as a court officer read the verdict.

过了某一点后,她变得冷漠无情,对他没有一丝恋眷。After a certain point she became impassive detached utterly from him.

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从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow.

它的面孔也由红色变成了桔红,又变成金色,最后变成沉静的黄色。Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow.

她端着托盘离开了房间,脸上的表情一如继往。She went out of the room with the tray, her face impassive and unchanged.

他看孩子的无感情的脸,觉得奇怪他们正在想什麽。He looked at the childrens' impassive faces, wondering what they were thinking.

穆雷在听审判结果时咽了咽口水但是看上去却非常平静。Murray swallowed briefly on hearing the verdict but otherwise looked impassive.

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流川花了一小会儿功夫才恢复他漠然的神情。A quick moment lapsed before Rukawa managed to recover his impassive expression.

基努。里维斯像哈里森。福特一样,面无表情,尽可能地“表演”。Keanu Reeves goes for the impassive Harrison Ford approach, "acting" as little as possible.

他向后靠了靠,把两只手的指尖对顶在一起,显出了最冷漠的、法官似的表情。He leaned back, put his finger-tips together, and assumed his most impassive and judicial expression.

有经验的冷漠买家用沉默可以得到比用语言更多的东西。Skilled, impassive buyers can get a great deal more with silence than they can with vocal manipulations.

一群男人坐在自家门口,抽着烟,淡定地围观我这个老外从门前走过。A group of men sat in a doorway smoking tobacco from a big bong, watching me walk past with impassive faces.

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不过即使是最不看好白银的基金经理也越来越难以无动于衷.But it is proving increasingly difficult for even the most silver-skeptic money managers to remain impassive.

本来面容姣好的她,因一脸的木讷被哥三个叫成“斗牛犬”。She would have been good-looking, save for the impassive fixity of her face, 'bull-dog', as her brothers called it.

可是马白夫先生在这里只不过是上苍所遣的一个平静的无动于衷的使者罢了。It was not, however, that M. Mabeuf had been anything but the calm and impassive agent of Providence in this connection.