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这就是他和安多纳德全部的接触经过。That was all the contact he ever had with Antoinette.

法国玛丽安东妮皇后是路易十六的妻子。Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.

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有一天,王后发现她母亲的马横尸在树下。One day, Antoinette finds her mother's horse lying dead under a tree.

玛莉。安托瓦内特为了宣传它,曾把马铃薯花戴在头上做头饰。Marie Antoinette promoted potatoes by wearing their flowers in her hair.

在1793年,在法国革命期间,玛莉安托瓦内特皇后被斩首。In 1793, during the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded.

这是使用金刚石玛丽安托瓦内特和被盗纳粹在第二次世界大战期间。This diamond was used by Marie Antoinette and stolen by the Nazis during World War II.

图画中,十七岁的安托瓦内特跟着那个抱着她死去弟弟的人跑。In the photo, seventeen-year-old Antoinette runs alongside the man holding her dead brother.

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由于她母亲的增长和更遥远的陌生人,艳花时间在其覆盖花园。As her mother grows stranger and more distant, Antoinette spends time in their overgrown garden.

看了美丽的草莓,我不由得说,草莓真是水果中的艳后啊!Watched the beautiful strawberries, I can not help that the strawberry fruit in the Antoinette really ah!

巴黎大皇宫的一场新展览展示玛丽·安托瓦内特的多面人生。THE many roles played by Marie- Antoinette are on display in a new exhibition at the Grand Palais in Paris.

博物馆外面,下着小雨,当他和安托瓦内特站在她弟弟的纪念碑前,奥巴马做一个简短演讲。Outside, in a light rain, Obama gave a short speech as he stood with Antoinette before a memorial to her brother.

这里还有令人着迷的古典珍藏,如玛丽-安托尼特的风景如画而远离尘嚣的小别墅——哈姆雷特。Also included are fascinating curiosities, such as marie- antoinette 's picture-perfect getaway cottage, the hamlet.

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据说,艳后克利奥帕特拉特别喜欢洗驴奶浴,能让她的皮肤细腻、柔嫩、光滑。It is said that Cleopatra Antoinette in particular likes to wash donkey milk bath, let her skin delicate, soft, smooth.

关于1783年9月19日,显示了他们的兄弟气球国王路易十六的王后玛丽安托瓦内特和嘉宾在凡尔赛宫。On 9-19-1783, the brothers showed their balloon to King Louis XVI, Queen Marie Antoinette and guests at the Palace of Versailles.

他拿了他们的骨头碎片,或至少是玛丽·安托瓦内特的骨灰,并把这些一直放在他的房间里And he had bone fragments of what they thought-- or,at least,ashes of Marie Antoinette that he had with him in his room all the time.

希夫移动从卡地亚和蒂凡尼的谢德水族馆,从玛丽安托瓦内特的内战和玛丽皮克福德为玛丽莲梦露。Schiff moves from Cartier and Tiffany to the Shedd Aquarium, from Marie Antoinette to the Civil War and from Mary Pickford to Marilyn Monroe.

“你是否帮助他人取决于你的人格类型,”临床心理学家安托瓦内特·桑德斯说,“你经常伸出援助之手吗?"Whether you come to someone's aid depends mostly on your personality type," says clinical psychologist Antoinette Saunders. "Are you giving in general?

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其中有一缕头发,有玛丽·安托瓦内特在狱中穿着的衬衣,还有她的袖珍祈祷书,玛丽曾把给自己孩子们的最后留言夹在书页里。There is a lock of hair, the chemise Marie- Antoinette wore in the Temple prison, and the tiny prayer book in which she penned a final message to her children.

“很少有圆形的珍珠而且色彩还这么好,所以它很珍贵,”宝石专家安托瓦内特·马丁说,“我想他们找到了一颗美丽、珍贵、而且很值钱的珍珠。”Few are round and few are a lovely color, so this is rare, " said gemologist Antoinette Matlins. "I think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable. "

“很少有圆形的珍珠而且色彩还这么好,所以它很珍贵,”宝石专家安托瓦内特·马丁说,“我想他们找到了一颗漂亮、珍贵、而且很值钱的珍珠。”"Few are round and few are a lovely color, so this is rare, " said gemologist Antoinette Matlins. "I think they have found something precious and lovely and valuable. "