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在长江上建造一道防洪闸门?Build a floodgate on the Yangtze?

我想,七年之痒已经开始奏效了。I think I have just opened the floodgate.

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为了控制水流,防洪闸门关闭了。The floodgate was closed to control the flow of water.

但出乎我意料的是,这个奖项为我打开了一扇喷涌金钱的闸门。However, to my amazement, this award seemed to open a floodgate of money.

本文对泄洪闸门控制系统的主要技术问题进行分析。This paper has analyzed the main problems of a control system for floodgate.

锚索布置是预应力闸室设计的关键所在。Anchor rope distribution is the key point in prestressed floodgate room design.

工程上通常采用调整闸板高程改变闸孔面积的形式提高配水均度。A practical way to solve this problem is to adjust the high level of floodgate board.

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这轮刺激政策开启了信贷洪流的闸门,事实证明到目前为止还无法关闭。The stimulus opened a credit floodgate that so far has proven impossible to turn off.

营子闸交通桥是一座钢筋混凝土井柱桩式桥梁,桥梁状况较差。The traffic bridge on the Yingzi Floodgate is a reinforced concrete well-pile bridge of poor safety.

介绍了富春江水力发电厂泄洪闸门计算机监控系统的设计、调试和运行情况,指出了该系统发挥的功能和作用。The situation of leak in floodgate of Lushi water project is introduced, cause and the urgency of it is analyzed.

水闸闸基隐患严重威胁水闸安全,闸基淘空是水闸较常见的隐患之一。Hidden danger is seriously threatened the security of floodgate and the safe of the life and property of the people.

东张务防洪闸工程位于软弱地基上,所以采用粉喷桩对地基进行处理。Dongzhangwu floodgate project locates on the flabby base, so the stakes with concrete are used to deal with the base.

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班尼斯特已经打破了人类在这个速度下赛跑的能力的限制,于是也打开了一个闸门。Bannister had broken a belief in the limit of a human’s ability to run at such a pace and, consequently, opened a floodgate.

当地政府已拨款数十亿欧元用于投资防潮水闸工程,目的是要停止海平面上涨对水城的破坏。The government has just begun a multi-billion euro floodgate project aimed at stopping rising sea levels destroying the town.

对于大沉陷量地区水闸的加高加固技术,目前研究的较少。Since there is less research on the heightening and consolidating the floodgate suffering the mass-subsidence, this paper does it.

通过实例介绍了低压灌浆技术在水闸防渗处理中的施工工艺、技术参数等。A low pressure infuses to grout the technique in floodgate prevent from seep into handle, the technique parameter etc. are introduced.

从几天午夜时分播出的电视辩论中,我感觉到他们打开了一道泄洪闸门,而这道门将很难关上。During those few days of late-night televised debates, I sensed a floodgate was being opened that would be very difficult to shut off.

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为解决沿海地区的引水与排涝问题,沿海各入海河口都建有水闸。For resolving the problem with admission of water and abstraction of waterlog of coastland, each marine estuarine has built the floodgate.

闸墩预应力混凝土施工随着材料、设备和工艺的改进日臻完善。Along with material, equipment and the craft improvement, the prestressed concrete floodgate pillar concrete construction is consummating day by day.

本论文简要阐述水闸的特点,水闸结构设计的主要新方法和步骤,并对优化理论进行简要分析。This thesis gives a brief introduction of characteristics of the floodgate . The latest main methods and steps in structural design of floodgate are discussed.