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你的游泳衣有没有带在身边?Do you have your swimsuit with you?

年度最佳泳装美少女登场!Here comes the best swimsuit of the year!

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他在运动服里面衬着游泳衣。He wore his swimsuit underneath his slacks.

游完泳后记住把游泳衣拧干。Remember to wring your swimsuit out after your swim.

款式适当的游泳衣有助于掩饰肥胖部位。The right style of swimsuit can help by hiding bulges.

你游泳的时候穿什么?--------我穿游泳衣。What do you wear to go swimming?-----I wear a swimsuit.

刚发了新泳装照片,今天真的太热!Just upload my swimsuit pictures! It's really hot today!

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因此,孕妇泳衣绝对是必备的装备。So, the maternity swimsuit is a fairly essential bit of kit.

带上你的泳装和墨镜,我们就斟满玛姆香槟!Bring your swimsuit and glasses, we bring the Mumm Champagne!

不过,这是以澳大利亚泳装制造商Speedo的名字来命名的。But the name comes from the Australian swimsuit maker Speedo.

黄色的泳衣与她铜色的肌肤是完美的陪衬。Her yellow swimsuit serves as a perfect foil to her bronzed skin.

上海哪有卖肚兜式剪裁的泳衣啊???。Which has Shanghai to sell the swimsuit that bellyband style cuts? ? ?

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对于钱多得花不完的人来说,现在有纯金打造的泳装了。For people with lots of money, now there's a swimsuit made of pure gold.

有一次,我和父母去海边玩,一换上泳衣就去玩了。On one occasion, I play and parents to the beach, a play put on a swimsuit.

这里的大众池是裸浴,泡的时候不能穿泳装。The communal bath is a "naked bath", so you're not allowed to wear a swimsuit.

拿起你的游泳衣和防晒乳,去这些水上公园清凉一下吧!Grab your swimsuit and sunscreen and head to one of these water parks to cool off!

说实在的,当她不在为泳状挂历摆姿势时,她看上去有点像男人。Turns out that when she's not posing for swimsuit calendars, she looks vaguely mannish.

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加入他们吧,一切为了展现运动、“玩赏泳装”,游遍世界让你永不忘怀。Join them allifor Sports Illustrated "Swimsuit at Play"ia world-wide ride you'll never forget.

片头中一系列泳装剪影图片也是Jantzen以往的款式。Some of the swimsuit silhouettes in the opening credit sequence are also from archival images.

英国设计师最近发明了一款“透视”泳衣,可在日晒后不留边痕。A "see-through" swimsuit that will eliminate tan lines has been developed by British designers.