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小路等沿着悬崖。The path verges on a precipice.

我们正站在悬崖边。We are standing at a precipice.

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我们也许正位于悬崖边上。We may be standing at a precipice.

这条小径濒临断崖的边缘。The path verges on the edge of a precipice.

悬岸是非常、非常徒的斜面。A precipice is a very, very steep declivity.

那间小屋有一半悬在峭壁边上。The hut hung half over the edge of the precipice.

我们的安全和未来都命悬一线。Our security, our future stands at a great precipice.

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不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。Do not seat your love upon a precipice ause it is high.

无所不能因该峭壁是高的,便让你的情感坐在峭壁上。Do not seat your love upon a precipice since it is high.

不要因为峭壁是高的便让你的爱情坐在峭壁是。Dont seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.

不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱亲聒在峭壁上。Do not sit your love upon a precipice because it is tall.

不要因为峭壁是高的,便把你的爱情坐在峭壁上。DO not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.

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不要因为峭壁是高的,使让你的爱情坐在峭壁上。Do not seat your love upen a precipice because it is high.

不要因为峭壁是高的便让妳的爱情坐在峭壁上!Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high!

不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情停在峭壁上!Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high !

高处绝壁如削,陡峭险峻。The high place precipice like truncates, steep precipitous.

不要由于峭崖是高的,便让你的恋爱坐在峭崖上。Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is hellogh.

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不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的恋情坐在峭壁上。Do not seat your love upon the a precipice because it is high.

叙利亚动荡,或许将中东带到悬崖边缘。The unrest in Syria brings the Middle East perhaps to a precipice.

悬崖的右边倒有不少青翠的植物。However, verdure was not wanting to the right beyond the precipice.