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多数发生在博卡杜·阿克雷。Much of that was in Boca do Acre.

中国计划增加早稻播种面积。China expects higher rice planting acre.

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新教皇召令波罗一行回到阿克里。Then new pope summoned the Polos back to Acre.

然而,每英亩放牧牧畜数的增加只是单面的受益。However, more cattle per acre is just one benefit.

我们家的后园有半亩空地。There was a half acre of vacant land in our backyard.

他们又一次从阿克里出发,这次,众人情绪高涨。They all set off from Acre once again, in high spirits.

每亩大麻比每亩树木产更多纸张。An acre of hemp produces more paper than an acre of trees.

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你会不会愿意花钱购买月球上一英亩地的所有权?What would you pay for legal title to an acre of the moon?

而到了去年,一英亩土地的玉米,产量平均可达162蒲式耳。Last year, an acre of corn produced an average of 162 bushels.

把播种机播种地的产量与撒播地的产量比比看。Just compare the yields of a drilled acre and a broadcast acre.

一块20英亩大的土地的树林中又发现两位本地少年死尸。"Two more Local Teenagers Found dead in woods on 20 acre plot".

那是在1958年,政府以六十美元一英亩的价格付了款。That was in 1958, and the government paid sixty dollars an acre.

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各农垦公司正在争夺可能到手的每一英亩土地。Corporate farmers are scrambling for every acre of land they can get.

蒌籐种植田一英亩可以帮农人带来四十万卢比的收入。The betel farms bring the farmers an earning of rupees 4 lacs an acre.

他的花园中大约有一英亩的土地被他用树篱围了起来,用作蔬菜的耕种地。It was about one acre in his garden, hedged in for planting vegetables.

这个占地5000英亩的工程仿造北美惠斯勒胜地建造。The 5,000 acre project will be modeled after Whistler in North America.

很难定论究竟每英亩多少株树为最适密度。The optimum density is difficult to specify in terms of trees per acre.

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他们每英亩四分之三的林地都是矮林,并且他们现在正在出售木材。They have coppiced three quarters of an acre and are now selling the wood.

美国农业部对大豆单产的预测为每英亩40.5蒲式耳,远远低于分析人士的预测。USDA's yield of 40.5 bushels per acre was well below analysts expectations.

海藻这种植物没英亩产出的植物油比诸如黄豆这些植物要多很多,但是种植海藻却又有一些技术难题需要克服。The plants produce far more oil per acre than other crops, such as soybeans.