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网络的爱情是爱还是伤害?Meshwork sensation . love or hurt ?

把水管联结在一起,上面盖上结实的棚屋,我的筏子就差不多完成了。With a meshwork of pipes and strong housing I thought the raft almost complete.

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首先,在小梁网上缺少间质金属蛋白含量上的变化。First, they pointed to an absence of changes in MMPs in the trabecular meshwork.

结果体外培养细胞符合牛眼小梁细胞的特点。Results cultured cells showed the specific characteristics of bovine trabecular meshwork cells.

第二章的第二部分就大概介绍了在二维空间建三角网的思路。Chapter two gives a brief introduction of establishing triangle meshwork in two-dimension space.

胶原蛋白形成网状的纤维,是一个重要贡献的结构和纹理的皮肤。Collagen forms a meshwork of fibres and is a key contributor to the structure and texture of skin.

可以近似用“无规网络模型”描述材料的结构。Then the model of random meshwork is adopted to describe approximately the material's physical structure.

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同时依托集团遍布全国的销售网络,为国际、国内众多客户提供及时的售前、售中和售后服务。Relying on the marketing meshwork of THB , We can provide services in time for clients at home and abroad.

随着胶原网打破了,这是更换和修理的新的胶原纤维细胞分泌的。As collagen in the meshwork breaks down, it is replaced and repaired by new collagen secreted by fibroblasts.

目的探讨个性化钛网精确修复眉弓骨质缺损的初步应用。Objective To investigate the application of individualized titanium meshwork in repairing supraorbital defects.

最后,小梁网物质降解的减少同样可能引起房水流畅系数的下降。Finally, decreased outflow facility may be caused by reduced degradation of substances in the trabecular meshwork.

区域创新网络为我国解决地区差距问题提供了一个新的分析框架。The regional innovation meshwork offers us a new analyzing framework to settle the problem of regional disparities.

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水平井若采用筛管防砂,合理的防砂网孔径的确定尤为重要。Reasonable aperture of sand prevention meshwork is important if liner in sand prevention of horizontal well is adopted.

最后提出了再生混凝土应用于钢网构架混凝土结构的前景。Finally, the prospects that the recycled concrete technique utilized to meshwork built-up concrete structure are proposed.

随着人类社会的发展和科学技术的不断进步,网络及其技术得到了迅速的发展并对人类产生了极大影响。With the development of society and continually progress of science and technology, meshwork have had great effect on human being.

就我认为,这是很矛盾的。因为网络是虚拟的,二人的灵魂是真的。所以,我们还是要面对现实。For me , this very contradiction because meshwork is suppositional or the inner man at real but we just the same much face the facts.

我们将以行业典范为已任,为方向,建设一流的终端客户销售网络和服务网络。We would let trade apotheosis as the role and direction, to build atop-ranking of terminal client sell meshwork and service meshwork!

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糖皮质激素对小梁网的作用可作为一个良好模型用于研究青光眼的发病机制。Glucocorticoid effects on the human trabecular meshwork can be used as a model system in which to study glaucomatous damage to the trabecular meshwork.

小梁细胞蛋白表达调控和相关信号传导通路在青光眼发病过程中的作用。The role that protein expression regulation of trabecular meshwork cells and the related signal transduction pathways play in the pathogenesis of glaucoma.

如果眼内压的下降仅因为前列腺素含量在小梁网里的变化,则间质金属蛋白的活性改变也将发现。If changes in the trabecular meshwork were solely responsible for the decreases in IOP seen with prostaglandins, then changes in MMP activity would be expected.