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他们翻修了西斯廷教堂的天花板。They renovated the ceiling of the sistine chapel.

西斯廷教堂的棚顶的绘画由米开朗基罗绘制。The Sistine Chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo.

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西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名。The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.

可是你不知道西斯丁教堂里的那种氛围。I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.

但你不知道西斯汀教堂的气味。I bet you can't tell me what its smell like in the Sistine Chapel.

但你不知道西斯汀教堂的气味,你从没站在那儿观赏过天花板,我看过。But I bet you can't tell me what it smells like in the Sistine Chapel.

我的发言要像西斯廷教堂,我的第九交响乐章,我的“凯恩公民”My speech must be my Sistine Chapel, my Ninth Symphony, my "Citizen Kane".

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米开朗琪罗在西斯廷教堂的壁画是世界上最著名的壁画。Michaeangelo's paintings in the Sistine Chapel are the most famous of all frescoes.

在一五零八年,教皇朱利斯二世要求米开朗基罗为西斯廷教堂花天花板。In 1508, Pope Julius II asked Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

今天,教皇弗郎西斯在梵蒂冈西廷斯教堂主持了首场弥撒仪式,众多枢机主教参加。At the Vatican today, Pope Francis led his first mass for cardinals in the Sistine Chapel.

而当我们步入西斯廷教堂,我们抬头便会看到世界上最美丽的天花板。But when we enter the Sistine Chapel, we look up to see the most beautiful ceiling in the world.

他们还为教皇保罗二世在圣比得广场和梵蒂冈西斯汀教堂演唱。They also sang for Pope John Paul II in St Peter's Square and in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

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米开朗基罗在西斯汀礼拜堂的湿壁画和拉斐尔在梵谛冈大教堂的湿壁画是古往今来最着名的。Michelangelo's frescoes in the sistine chapel and raphael's in the vatican are the most famous of all.

人们不允许复制那首乐曲,因为它应该只在西斯廷教堂里演奏You're not supposed to copy this piece because it's supposed to be only performed in the Sistine Chapel.

“西斯廷玛丹娜”说是一个图片为顿悟,这在传统的包括3国王。"The Sistine Madonna" was said to be a picture for the Epiphany which in tradition includes the 3 kings.

1508年,他开始在西斯廷大教堂画天顶壁画,这些壁画历时4年完工。In 1508, he began painting his frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel which took 4 years to finish.

即使是现在“西斯廷麦当娜”似乎是一个象征,德累斯顿,因为你去,到处可以找到。Even now "The Sistine Madonna" appears to be a symbol of Dresden because everywhere you go it can be found.

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大约25年后,教皇保罗三世任命米开朗基罗为西斯廷教堂祭坛上方的墙壁作画。Almost 25 years later, Pope Paul III asked Michelangelo to paint the wall of the Sistine Chapel above the altar.

辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach's Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.

辩护者提到西斯廷教堂与巴赫的B小调弥撒作为为宗教辩护的理由。Apologists for religion point to the Sistine Chapel and Bach’s Mass in B minor as some sort of justification for it.