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任何形式的货币.Any type of currency.

津巴布韦货币没有任何价值!Zim currency has no value!

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有外币兑换处吗?。Is there a currency exchange?

我们的货币非常疲软。We have a very weak currency.

一个贷币兑换应用程序A currency exchange application

这些货币平价兑换。This currency exchanges at par.

它也不仅仅是外国货币。It is not just foreign currency.

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货币-塞尔维亚第纳尔和欧元Currency C Serbian Dinar and euro

在X所设定的本位币为人民币。The base currency set in X is RMB.

货币名称为法国法郎。Currency name for the French franc.

钞票上有连续的号码。Currency notes bear serial numbers.

瑞士法郎是一种硬货币。The Swiss franc is a hard currency.

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哥斯大黎加的货币单位是什麽?What is the currency of Costa Rica?

哪一种货币是更可靠的?Which currency is more trustworthy?

冰岛克朗冰岛的一种基本货币单位A basic unit of currency in Iceland.

查阅今日的货币兑换率Check today's currency exchange rates

它接受什么样的币种?What kind of currency does it accept?

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在一场货币战或贸易战中,没有真正的赢家。A currency or trade war has no winners.

易损件通用性强。Damageable pieces have strong currency.

在X所设定的本位币为人民币。In X the set functional currency is RMB.