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这些人向他叙述的觉醒故事惊人地相似。The men have told him strikingly similar stories of disenchantment.

也就是说,世界经过了一个韦伯所说的“脱魅”过程。Namely, the world went through a process of what Weber called "disenchantment".

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这张专辑也显示出披头四已不再沉醉于成名所带来的一切。It also revealed a growing disenchantment with all that their fame had produced.

在许多省份面临用工荒之际,这套体制的标准也促人更加清醒。The criteria have created more disenchantment at a time when these provinces face labour shortages.

然而自从科学与哲学兴起于古希腊时期,人类便开始了祛魅时代。But according to the rising of science and philosophy in old Greece, human being entered the disenchantment tines.

永远不要有不现实的渴望,因为它的结果便是自卑、失落和觉醒。Never aspire to have unrealistic expectations because its end result is low self esteem, depression, disenchantment.

欧元兑瑞郎跌至纪录低位,令对欧元的利空人气进一步加剧.Disenchantment with the European single currency was compounded by its decline to an all-time low against the Swiss franc.

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禅宗也讲看破红尘,看破了,成就也就是轻而易举的事。Zen Buddhism also stresses giving up earthly affairs, as disenchantment to the world arises, accomplishment is reached with ease.

小说的学术意蕴对于今天的人们反思“去圣化”和虚无化都有着重要的启示。As far as its academic connotation is concerned, the novel is enlightening for today's people to reflect on disenchantment and nullification.

今年下议院议员的“浮报开支”让老百姓的态度由冷漠变为嘲讽,然而在此之前,人们就已对实时政治有所觉悟。But public disenchantment with established politics was growing even before this year's scandal over MPs' expenses replaced apathy with scorn.

在此基础上,分析与论证造成休闲教育工具化、平庸化与人的缺场的根本原因是科学理性的独尊、祛魅的时代与主体性的黄昏。It also indicates that the scientific rationality alone , the disenchantment of time and the dark of subjectivity are the root causes of these.

萨纳恩德人在2012年议会选举投票给印度人民党,也许是一种对穆迪政策的觉悟迹象?The people of Sanand voted the Bharatiya Janata Party out in the 2012 Assembly elections – perhaps a sign of disenchantment with Modi's policies?

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千万别伪装你的感情,也不要冷嘲爱情,尽管有乏味和失望时候,爱这感觉就有如顽强的野草生生不息。Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

尽管一直饱受着外界的非议,杰拉德仍然相信卡佩罗可以带领他们走向成功。Despite his disenchantment with the England set-up, Gerrard still believes manager Fabio Capello is the man who can lead them out of their current rut.

自民党的强势崛起部分有赖于党内一脉相承的政治竞选机构,尽管这并不能全部抓住选民的心,但比起让人失望的民主党还是累积了更多人气。The LDP’s strong showing is owed partly to its old political machine, which has not seized up entirely, but even more so to disenchantment with the DPJ.

文学面对权威和神圣性的解体的“祛魅”现实,自觉不自觉受到影视艺术的影响。Literacy's authority and sanctity disintegrates with the disenchantment of the world, so that it is impacted deeply by film-TV, consciously and unconsciously.

罗斯•佩罗特对布什已经失去了希望,自己作为独立候选人参加1992年大选,先是退出,随后又重新参选。Ross Perot capitalized upon disenchantment with Bush and the status quo entering the 1992 race as an Independent candidate, leaving and subsequently re-entering.

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尽管阿尔及利亚奉行政治多元主义,但在一个受军官领导的反对帮派和权利强大的官僚主义者操纵的国家内,民众普遍不满依旧很深。Despite a veneer of political pluralism, popular disenchantment with a dirigiste state beholden to rival cliques of army officers and powerful bureaucrats is deep.

尽管对日本民主党的治理能力仍有疑问,但其在政治舞台上的迅速崛起还是使选民们兴奋起来,走出对政治的失望情绪,参与投票。Despite nagging concerns over the DPJ's ability to govern, its extraordinary rise to power appears to have stirred voters out of their disenchantment with politics.

19年前,贝卢斯科尼因对意大利政治阶层不再抱有幻想开始了新的生涯,但是也是这一原因发挥作用让蒙蒂一直受到欢迎。And the very disenchantment with Italy's political class that helped launch Mr Berlusconi into a new career 19 years ago is now working to sustain Mr Monti's popularity.