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服务区?。Service Area?

一条龙服务。A dragon service.

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服务流率?。Service Flow Rate?

该谁发球?Whose service is it?

卡拉汉汽车服务。Callahan car service.

微笑服务。Service with a smile.

很高兴为您服务。Glad to be of service.

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慈菇泵服务。Arrowhead Pump Service.

它是一个很有粘性的服务。It is a sticky service.

照片打印服务。Photo printing service.

这里的服务烂透了。The service here sucks.

您想房内用膳服务吗?Do you need room service?

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“爱德华还在服现役吗?”“Edward on active service?

这是有资可鉴的。This is a service to Kam.

服务包是什么?What about service packs?

没有Geat的客户服务。No. Geat customer service.

运石头车服务工厂。Rock handler service shop.

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语音服务模块?。VSM? Voice Service Module?

我们提供免费服务。We provide gratis service.

您需要接驳服务吗?。Do you need pickup service?