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我喜欢带有阿拉伯式花饰的地毯。I like carpets with arabesque patterns.

中印保持一种阿拉伯藤蔓式的关系。China and India have an arabesque relationship.

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阿拉伯风为设计师渴望独一无二给出了答案。The Arabesque solution is the answer toadesigner's desire for uniqueness.

这个名词指典型回教艺术中的装饰图样。The term for Arabesque is a decorative pattern which is typical of Islamic art.

它加长了两点之间的距离,使它变得非直而曲。It creates as a distance between two points, rather than a straight line, an arabesque.

一拖又拖现代舞蔓藤花纹的一只脚的脚趾,而对其他纺。A dragging arabesque turn in modern dance drags the toe of one foot while spinning on the other.

学习从一拖阿拉伯式花纹转专业舞蹈演员与技巧在这个自由的现代舞蹈视频。Learn the dragging arabesque turn with tips from a professional dancer in this free modern dance video.

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如泰姬一样,花园的设计元素也采纳了阿拉伯花饰风格,相互独立又融为一体。Like the Taj, the garden elements follow the Arabesque concept, standing on their own and constituting the whole.

阿拉伯风是辉煌壮丽的代名词,它必须被小心地运用在令人期待的公司形象上。The Arabesque is synonymous to majestic strokes that have to be delicately adapted to the desired corporate image.

阿拉伯风芭蕾舞技巧是相当困难的,通常不教,直到舞者的训练第三年。The arabesque ballet technique is fairly difficult and usually not taught until the dancer's third year of training.

杜库光剑的外形,包括其错综图饰的剑柄,在早期设计西斯反角时就确定了。The shape of Dooku's lightsaber, with its arabesque curved handle, came out of earlier exploration of Sith villains.

阿拉贝斯舞姿,即芭蕾舞演员一条腿站立,另一条腿平行向后伸展的一种姿势。Arabesque means a position of a dancer balanced on one leg with the other stretched horizontally backwards in ballet.

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由六边形柱子构成的柱网支撑起了下层空间,在上部形成了星形的形状,该形状源于伊斯兰文化中的阿拉伯式花纹样式,同时也与周边的丛林环境相呼应。The space below is structurally arranged by a forest of hexagonal shaped pillars with a star shaped top derived from the arabesque patterns from Islamic culture, a reference to the surrounding jungle.