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这是雅氏对结构主义文论的直接贡献。This is his direct contribution to structuralist literary theory.

结构主义者充分分析语言的梦想破灭了。The structuralist dream of a fully analyzable language is now lost.

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这是雅氏对结构主义文论的间接贡献。This is his indirect contribution to structuralist literary theory.

文学能力在结构主义诗学中的地位如何?。How about the position of literary competence in Structuralist Poetics?

结构主义诗学则是文学能力的理论背景。Structuralist poetics has formed the theoretical background of literary competence.

批判性社会研究中融入了两种主要的结构主义分析技巧。There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.

结构主义语言学以系统或结构这样的术语描写语言。Structuralist linguistics describes linguistic features in terms of systems or structures.

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德里达则批评了福柯对笛卡儿的解读,他将福柯视作结构主义的代表进行了抨击。But Derrida disagreed with this point and criticized Foucault's structuralist reading of Descartes.

虽然不能称之为结构主义的观点,但我相信它,因为我曾见过它起效。Yes, I can say it's a structuralist idea, but I really believe it because I've seen it in operation.

“文学能力”是乔纳森·卡勒之结构主义诗学的核心概念,意指读者阅读文本的一套程式。Literary Competence, a set of forms to reading, is central to Jonathan Culler's Structuralist Poetics.

结构主义语法开始描写人们在日常交际中使用的口语。Structuralist grammar sets out to describe the current spoken language which people use in communication.

结构主义安排语言教学材料是以潜在的语法格式和结构为基础的。Structuralist teaching materials are arranged on a basis of underlying grammatical patterns and structures.

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这首先是一种语义的和结构主义的批评方法,用来理解类似的电影如何传达意义。This was primarily a semantic and structuralist approach to understanding how similar films convey meaning.

凯文·哈特的创作思想和后结构主义的批评理论是一致的。Kevin Harte's idea of creation and the post structuralist theory of criticism are consistent with each other.

雅各布森创立的结构主义诗学,是结构主义文论发展的前一阶段。Roman Jakobson' s structuralist poetics is the early stage in the development of structuralist literary theory.

然而,跟传统语法一样,结构主义语法关注的焦点仍然是语言的语法结构。However, like traditional grammars, structuralist grammar still focuses on the grammatical structures of a language.

英国历史主义的马克思主义和结构主义的马克思主义是当代西方两个颇具影响的新马克思主义学派。Historicist Marxism and Structuralist Marxism in England are two famous current Western New Marxism doctrine schools.

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简单自然,板型宽松,穿着舒适,具有结构主义风格,并且在立裁的过程中经常会产生随性的设计。A simple natural, board type loose, comfortable to wear a structuralist style, and in the course of the often have with the design.

法国结构主义学者阿尔都塞“症候阅读”策略对英文文学作品阅读有很大的指导意义。French structuralist Louis Pierre Althusser s symptomatic reading is significant in guiding the readers to read English literature works.

它不仅为尼采生命美学的建构提供过思想资源,同样也为现代结构主义诗学的崛起作出过贡献。Dualism contributes to the rising modern structuralist poetics as well as provides Nietzsche's life philosophy with ideological resources.