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不要让工作无期限地进行下去。Don't let tasks go on indefinitely.

这种状况似乎要无限期地继续下去。This situation seemed to go on indefinitely.

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他警告说,北韩不能无限期地拖延下去。He warns the delay cannot go on indefinitely.

不同于海豹,海象不能一直游泳。Unlike seals, walruses cannot swim indefinitely.

这个机会不会无限期地敞开。The opportunity will not remain open indefinitely.

至于我们愿意等待多长时间,我们愿意无限期等待。As to how long we'll wait, we'll wait indefinitely.

没有人可以无限期地借阅这本书。Nobody is entitled to borrow the book indefinitely.

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应用程序无响应或无限期悬挂。An application is unresponsive or hangs indefinitely.

劳动竞赛不停步,创先争优无止境。Labor competition does not stop, A Good indefinitely.

任何人都没有权利无限期地借阅这本书。Nobody has the right to borrow the book indefinitely.

一些超级英雄似乎可以日复一日地过着这样的生活。Some superheroes seem to survive this way indefinitely.

仅仅是繁荣昌盛不足以无限期地安抚民众。Rising prosperity alone will not placate people indefinitely.

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商标的续展注册次数应系无限次。The registration of a trademark shall be renewable indefinitely.

给所有事情都设定一个期限。不要让工作无期限地进行下去。Set deadlines for everything. Don't let tasks go on indefinitely.

这意味着这种细胞可以持续生长并且无限再生产。This means the cells can keep growing and reproducing indefinitely.

我们遗憾地通知您,您将要无限期地在家待岗。We regret to inform you that you are being furloughed indefinitely.

一种允许非公民永久停留澳洲的签证。A visa permitting a non-citizen to remain in Australia indefinitely.

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但他同样渴望延续寿命——甚至是长生不老。But he also longed to extend his life on earth—perhaps indefinitely.

7月,一名联邦法官无限期地禁止了此书的出版。In July, a federal judge indefinitely enjoined publication of the book.

政府决定无限期押后添马舰的发展工程。The Government has indefinitely deferred the Tamar development project.